Hey guys,
Hope you are enjoying my new set, hopefully I will get a few more out to you guys in the next few months seeming as I've been a little quiet!!
How is everyone's 2017 panning out? I've been so busy these first few months that I don't feel like I've even been able to catch my breath!
College and working and learning to drive are keeping my mind active and my body busy! It's all good though, I quite enjoy working for a goal!!
If you ever do want to keep a more regular eye on me, don't forget I have social media:
Instagram: scribbles_sg
I can chat directly on supe which is sort of like Snapchat under that name too!
Or I'm on twitter which is: scribblesuicide!
Are you all looking forward to Valentine's Day? Do you have any special valentines to spoil??
I'll probably be eating pizza with my cat! I'd like to say Tacos but they just arent as good as the tacos in america!!!
Anyway just a quick one!
Love to you all,
Scribbles xxxxxx