It's always a fun time at Jeff and Lance's and last night was no exception. There's never a time when someone isn't off their ass on something there and this guy Mike made this big dinner of which I had the killerest bowl of gravy.
I came up with a plan yesterday aswell. It's entitled (unofficially), "Freedom 26". That's when I will be outta my parent's basement. I figure that's as good a time as any. I mean, it's great beyond words having home cooked meals, and stuff being clean, and the utilites being paid for, but there comes a point in a guy's life when his over-bearing, italian mother's antics and apparent "expression of familial love" can be likened to sharp finger nails on a chalkboard.
The finances right now make what will be late 2008 a good enough arbitrary date.
The rest of the plan sees me taking up residence in an ownable apartment (see: condo) somewhere close to the downtown core of Ottawa, or anywhere I can find a place that most closely matches the mental projections of what I'm looking for.
On a sour note, I think my girlfriend is severely losing faith in our relationship. I'm starting to fear the worst.
I came up with a plan yesterday aswell. It's entitled (unofficially), "Freedom 26". That's when I will be outta my parent's basement. I figure that's as good a time as any. I mean, it's great beyond words having home cooked meals, and stuff being clean, and the utilites being paid for, but there comes a point in a guy's life when his over-bearing, italian mother's antics and apparent "expression of familial love" can be likened to sharp finger nails on a chalkboard.
The finances right now make what will be late 2008 a good enough arbitrary date.
The rest of the plan sees me taking up residence in an ownable apartment (see: condo) somewhere close to the downtown core of Ottawa, or anywhere I can find a place that most closely matches the mental projections of what I'm looking for.
On a sour note, I think my girlfriend is severely losing faith in our relationship. I'm starting to fear the worst.