Seems that the "Near Death By Cow Experience" was a bit too much for most to read so back to my bizarre antics: - Next up: What the hell is wrong with people?
A Derailed Escape
MONROE, Wash. - An Evergreen State Fair employee led police on a crazy chase through the fair after he tried to steal money from another carnival worker and then went into a women's restroom and exposed himself. When deputies arrived, he put on his pants, took off his shirt, and went through a window in one of the bathroom's stalls. He groped women as he ran, and then scaled a chain-link fence to U.S. 2, where he attempted to steal a car from a woman. When that didn't work, he fled across the highway to a train and tried to jump aboard, despite the fact it was traveling about 45 miles per hour. After being knocked out from his close encounter with the train, he was taken to a medical center in Seattle with multiple fractures.
No More Alcohol - You're Cut Off
MEXICO CITY - Construction worker Ernesto Rodriguez Hernandez was taken to the hospital after he got drunk and paid two young boys to castrate him. He was intoxicated at a building site in Aguascalientes city on Sunday when he met two 11-year-old boys who had gone there to play. After telling the boys he wished to be "castrated to live more calmly" and because he wasn't married, he then offered them money. He gave the boys 200 pesos (US$20) after they sliced off one testicle with a razor he provided. The boys' parents called police after the boys told them how they obtained the money. Rodriguez was taken to the hospital and the children were put under court jurisdiction while officials investigate the case.
Enjoy The Silence
what the hell is going on with my journal, I'm not going to post anymore if this keeps up!
A Derailed Escape
MONROE, Wash. - An Evergreen State Fair employee led police on a crazy chase through the fair after he tried to steal money from another carnival worker and then went into a women's restroom and exposed himself. When deputies arrived, he put on his pants, took off his shirt, and went through a window in one of the bathroom's stalls. He groped women as he ran, and then scaled a chain-link fence to U.S. 2, where he attempted to steal a car from a woman. When that didn't work, he fled across the highway to a train and tried to jump aboard, despite the fact it was traveling about 45 miles per hour. After being knocked out from his close encounter with the train, he was taken to a medical center in Seattle with multiple fractures.
No More Alcohol - You're Cut Off
MEXICO CITY - Construction worker Ernesto Rodriguez Hernandez was taken to the hospital after he got drunk and paid two young boys to castrate him. He was intoxicated at a building site in Aguascalientes city on Sunday when he met two 11-year-old boys who had gone there to play. After telling the boys he wished to be "castrated to live more calmly" and because he wasn't married, he then offered them money. He gave the boys 200 pesos (US$20) after they sliced off one testicle with a razor he provided. The boys' parents called police after the boys told them how they obtained the money. Rodriguez was taken to the hospital and the children were put under court jurisdiction while officials investigate the case.
Enjoy The Silence

tigerlily: last entry to you got cut off, so if it doesn't make any sense...
See - that's EXACTLY what is wrong with my SG journal Trunication makes it hard to communicate...