So it's an interesting week in that I've discovered that I can suffer from extreme amounts of stress on my body, and on lots of school work and on problems with friends and still be productive. But the moment I get broken up with, I become about half as functional as I was before. Isn't that strange? I wasn't going to school, or working out...
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I really appreciated you leaving love on my new multi with drave "made you blush", thanks for the support <3
Hello All!
I can't believe that it's January 7th and I still don't have any resolutions. I have been feeling more indecisive and lost all fall, which makes me feel like maybe I'm trying to control my future too much, and that I just need to work on letting the universe do a little of the work for me. Just a little. But is that...
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I can't believe that it's January 7th and I still don't have any resolutions. I have been feeling more indecisive and lost all fall, which makes me feel like maybe I'm trying to control my future too much, and that I just need to work on letting the universe do a little of the work for me. Just a little. But is that...
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I have not many resolutions ..
but I have started shooting for some of my dreams
I adore new friends.
especially such pretty ones!!!
Hope to see you around SGland!! 

thanks baby!
So I was driving home today and rediscovered the Misfits, "Misfits" album which has a lot of their classics with Danzig still singing in it. And not only can I still, despite my lack of being in a band any longer, totally match the pitch of his voice, it just felt awesome to remember all that music that I loved in high school. I still...
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Oh my! You have a set in the queue 


Yeah I'm so excited! Finally, you'll get to see something new 

Soooo excited right now. I just began the adventure of a new tattoo, a rib piece. Just the out line was done today, which is all I could afford anyway
. The ribs really do feel very similar to the foot, sort of a burning the whole time. Thanks to my friend for holding my hand the whole time! What an exciting day 

I was in line for a Peter Murphy concert, and I was talking to a woman who had just had a tattoo on her foot. Two inscribed letters (OZ), which looked good because they had not been totally filled in with ink. She said it had not been because it was too painful.
I would like to get some tattoos, I know what I would like, and know what studio I would go to. I plan to get work done on my biceps. What does it feel like? What do I say to my friend who has a fear of needles?
I would like to get some tattoos, I know what I would like, and know what studio I would go to. I plan to get work done on my biceps. What does it feel like? What do I say to my friend who has a fear of needles?
That's so great and so exciting! I don't have by arms done, but I can tell you that it doesn't feel like separate needles as much as it does like a knife cutting. And that sounds very dramatic, but really the pain is totally bearable. At worst it burns a bit, but it most definitely does not feel like getting a needle poked into your skin over and over. I would tell your friend that pain is part of the process, and that its so different from getting pierced or getting a shot that she does not need to equate them in her fear of needles. I hope that helps!!
I am such a child of the apocalypse. Seriously, thinking about having to survive after some natural disaster just is very exciting to me. I mean it reality, it may not be as romantic as it is in my head. In fact, I may not even be tough enough to survive such a disaster, but still, it would be interesting to see everyone trying to...
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I had my first grappling tournament last weekend! I did not win, but I learned much more about myself and about the girls that I will go up against than I could have otherwise.I'm all bruised up, just like I like it. Let's hear a hip hip hooray for battle wounds!!
Glad you had fun!
A couple of nights ago I had a horrible nightmare. I was taking my friend to this floor in a hotel that we knew was haunted and the room was this huge white ballroom that was moonlit. At the very end of the room across from us was this dark door that nobody had seen open or used for years, because behind it was bad...
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my mother had similar experiences when she was young...course hers were maybe more vivid. She to this day doesnt buy the sleep paralysis theory. She calls them the dark things or the shadows. Sleep de[rivation no fun. I'm there too. Havent had a good night sleep in about a week now. Needed sleeping pills just get to bed by 2am last night. Hope yours works out better.
It has been so long since I have written anything and here is why:
1. I just moved into my first house and we still have no internet
but tomorrow my life will be easier.
2. Sophomore year of college just started for me, so I've been busy getting excited about my classes all over again. But I have missed SG so much and I...
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1. I just moved into my first house and we still have no internet

2. Sophomore year of college just started for me, so I've been busy getting excited about my classes all over again. But I have missed SG so much and I...
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I work at a college bookstore, so I get to see the excitement of new classes every year. I think it keeps me younger.
Moving is always a pain in the ass, but it's amazing how quickly it becomes a real home. Good luck on your semester!
Moving is always a pain in the ass, but it's amazing how quickly it becomes a real home. Good luck on your semester!
you are sooo beauty!

Happy Feet makes me want to learn to tap dance. Who knew that animated penguins could be such an effective advertising tool? I highly recommend this movie to all those who love tap dancing, animation and gospel singing penguins.
Tap dancing is a good response to almost any stimuli. The urge to learn to tap is overwhelming and resurgent, returning again and again over the course of my life. Still can't tap, or dance much at all, or even sing. But the urges do return to roost, however outlandish the impulse or the idea.
I am glad that your feet are happy.
I am glad that your feet are happy.
Hahahaha I found that rather amusing
Though I could never tap dance! I ain't got no rhythm!

Though I could never tap dance! I ain't got no rhythm!
I am so excited for a couple of big reasons and here they are:
1. My first set up on member review on Monday! And I'm getting so much great feedback on my set that I'm just so grateful and happy to be a part of this site and this community. Thanks guys!
2. I just spent a beautiful weekend in Colorado on a retreat...
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1. My first set up on member review on Monday! And I'm getting so much great feedback on my set that I'm just so grateful and happy to be a part of this site and this community. Thanks guys!
2. I just spent a beautiful weekend in Colorado on a retreat...
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i like blues never heard of that though
Honored by your friend request.
I've been thinking about starting a new activity. You see, I feel like just going to the gym is not doing all I can to strengthen myself in probably the most physically great time of my life. I'm thinking of trying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I've been to a couple of training sessions and it is so intricate and beautiful. Does anyone else have any opinions?
You're old flat top?
Awesome set in MR.
Good luck!

Awesome set in MR.
Good luck!

I enjoyed your set. You are lovely! You look great topless in jeans.
This last weekend I spent in the beautiful Asheville, NC. The forest out there is like a rainforest, just super thick, green and humid. Everyone out there was so generous and gracious. Thank you for a wonderful time down south!