Well - work is busy as usual. THe warm weather comes and everyone wants to buy roofing, siding, fences and all that homie upkeep sort of stuff that'll keep my head spinning until October. The busy season in building supplies - Oh The Joy.
On a sappy note, I pass papers on my new Condo May 19 - YIKES!! I'm gonna be uber broke. But on the plus side I'll have no place to go and have to hang out with the misses and do - you know
I'm a total main stream puss when it comes to this girl - voice of an angel!

On a sappy note, I pass papers on my new Condo May 19 - YIKES!! I'm gonna be uber broke. But on the plus side I'll have no place to go and have to hang out with the misses and do - you know

I'm a total main stream puss when it comes to this girl - voice of an angel!

my husband is switching out his 160,000 mile stock CRX engine for a B16-A. if you know anything about import stuff i guess it's a big deal. i could care less. i think he's put over $5000 into this and year of waiting. i told him he owes me some tattoo's and a tummy tuck someday.