well my Steelers won, GO STEELERS!!
im on the yard with a crappy internet connection that is constantly going down.
found another rehab facility for my son, but get this, its voluntary!!!! he can sign himself out at any time. personally i think he would be better off in the mental health hospital for a year. there, its more like jail than anything and he can't sign himself out. ugh, this wasn't in the manual....
i ordered an electric bicycle sunday. hopefully that will get me a bit mobile as the yard is out in the middle of nowhere and walking is a minimum of 45 minutes to get anywhere. and in florida i can't ride my gas bicycle because they say its officially a motor vehicle. its a cheap little one, only 250 watts but hey, better than nothing.
im on the yard with a crappy internet connection that is constantly going down.
found another rehab facility for my son, but get this, its voluntary!!!! he can sign himself out at any time. personally i think he would be better off in the mental health hospital for a year. there, its more like jail than anything and he can't sign himself out. ugh, this wasn't in the manual....
i ordered an electric bicycle sunday. hopefully that will get me a bit mobile as the yard is out in the middle of nowhere and walking is a minimum of 45 minutes to get anywhere. and in florida i can't ride my gas bicycle because they say its officially a motor vehicle. its a cheap little one, only 250 watts but hey, better than nothing.

right on. there's just some bitter guys out there... and i know their type for sure. there's a few of them in every squadron that act like hot shots and are complete dicks, but everyone wants them to just go away. they don't have a personality or looks or ANY right to be so tactless to people.