im looking for new business ideas. im an internet web developer. been doing it for 12 years now. the company i started 10 years ago has just lost our biggest client which is about 60% of our business. its time for me to cut and start something new. problem is ive been thinking for the past 3 years for something new to... Read More
Man i got the boat yard rockin out to one of my favorite and unique bands. Apocalyptica!!!! its their new album 7th symphony. for those that don't know, Apocalyptica is a band out of Finland. it consists of a drummer and three cello players. they run the cellos thru guitar synthesizers and FX and they sound like metal guitars but with a unique sound that... Read More
I wasn't a huge fan of their covers, but the whole idea of classical musicians rocking is just the most awesome thing ever! My favorite types of music smooshed into one
im on the yard with a crappy internet connection that is constantly going down.
found another rehab facility for my son, but get this, its voluntary!!!! he can sign himself out at any time. personally i think he would be better off in the mental health hospital for a year. there, its more like jail than anything and he... Read More
right on. there's just some bitter guys out there... and i know their type for sure. there's a few of them in every squadron that act like hot shots and are complete dicks, but everyone wants them to just go away. they don't have a personality or looks or ANY right to be so tactless to people.
anyone want a 15 year old punk ass kid? ill sell him cheap!!!!!
anyways i can try. well im at the boat yard now. im living in the storage tent for the forseeable future because after making a list of what its going to take to get my state room weather tight we realized it was going to be thousands of dollars in materials and... Read More
Fraternal and a painful reminder of "pay backs are a bitch" because I'm not going to survive them being teenagers.
I'd do the random knock on the door fun I love the "oh shit what are you doing here" look
Well, its official, im homeless. Last night at about 1:30 am passed out in my bed and someone starts pounding on my bedroom window and screaming wake up. i wake up and my house is full of smoke. open my front door and the firefighter starts yelling at me to get out of the building. my neighbors unit 3 units down was completely engulfed in... Read More
oh my lord! I'm very sorry that happened to you! Thank goodness your okay though! Hopefully things will look up for you very soon! I wanted to thanks for the add, if you need to chat feel free to send me a pm
ok, i've had it. this NFL thing has me livid. im obviously a steelers fan. been a rabid steelers fan my whole life. so when i see what the league is doing to james harrison right now, it just sets me off.
FIRST, the fine, when you watch the hit against Massaquoi, yes he did leave his feet with his head down. that is the... Read More
Oh shit, just saw the trailer for the new russel crow film The Next Three Days. filmed in my beloved hometown of Pittsburgh. looks good and i love watching movies filmed where i grew up!!!!!!
Well i didn't get the job. had nothing to do with skill, had everything to do with lack of drivers license. this shop routinely works on 80K plus bikes and there was no way i could test drive them without getting on their insurance. no license, no insurance. oh well, load off my mind i guess.
last week was REALLY rough. my son got into... Read More
Well I am pretty nervous tonight. I have an interview tomorrow with the owner of a VERY large motorcycle shop and im not sure about it. Make no mistake, I am certain I will get the job, never was not hired to wrench on bikes, i am certainly good enough to do what they want and more. but the thing that scares me is i... Read More