So, lately i've been busy as fuck. I've been trying to make my ultimate dream come true. That dream being, opening and running my own bar/restaurant. I went through so much trouble trying to get everything in order. This space in town opened up. It was the perfect location, has pretty cheap rent, and things would have been great. Sadly, as i am finding out, due to the shitty economic state of things, banks just aren't lending money. I have a decent credit score, but it didn't matter. They didn't even look up my score when i asked for a small business loan. As soon as i mentioned the word restaurant, they turned their noses up at me and said no. So, i tried a different route. I tried to get a personal loan, but even with putting my car down as collateral, it just wasn't going to be enough for my start up costs. So, its not going to happen, at least not just yet. I'll keep saving money, keep looking for investors, but i don't have my hopes up. Although, i might get into business with a friend of mine. A restaurant owner in town has been wanting to sell his business for a while and so i might have a business partner for this new venture. We'll see... i'm just glad i didn't get my hopes up with this last one.
Lets see... other new things in life....
Band is playing a show in Asheville, NC tomorrow night at a venue called the Boiler room. Our last show got cancelled due to snow, but tomorrow looks likes its going to happen.
Work sucks, mainly because both jobs are being sticklers for hours. I work from 7:45-3:15 monday-friday at a schoool. I work from 2:30-5:45 monday-friday at the other. So i was double dipping a little bit, and now people are noticing. Its something i've obviously been doing and everyone knew, but now all of the sudden i'm just a horrible person for doing it. So heres the deal. My duties at the school are pretty much over with by 2:30. If there is a lot of work to do, i get to work early so i can start work in the afternoon by 2:30. Now, suddenly, both jobs want me working specific times and documenting exactly when i'm working. Why the fuck does it matter. I get my work done, the parents of the kids i work with are happy, and most of all, i do a damn good job with these kids. I'll fib here and there on my time sheets, cause some days i'll quit early but i'll make it up on another day.I just don't document it. Why do these people have to be sticklers after years of me doing this job, and not having any problems so far. I get reimbursed for mileage. I can go up to 45 miles a day. I usually drive at least that much, and now they're being stickers for that too. They want me documenting exactly where i'm going and how long i'm staying at each place. It annoys me, because all these ass holes who want this paperwork to be so exact have never done my job. They sit behind their nice warm desk, while i'm out in the community, freezing my ass off, and working with kids that most people can't deal with.
I guess this is why i was trying so desperately to get this other thing going. I'm tired of working dead end jobs, for people that don't appreciate it. I'm tired of bosses who just don't get it. If i'm working a job, and a customer complains, or a parent complains, then i can deal with that. But when some ass hole boss complains, just so they can get off on their so called "power" it just gets under my skin. Its even worse when they don't talk to me about it. They get annoyed at little things and they hold it against me, and then i hear from other people that my performance is being evaluated. Its poor management, it bad business. If an employee is doing something that you don't like, you talk to them. Its as simple as that. I've been doing my jobs for 4 years now, and my dumb ass boss has less experience than i do. Thats the value our country puts on a fucking degree. It doesn't matter how much knowledge or experience you have. If you don't have that piece of paper saying you're certified, then you're obviously not qualified. I work with mentally handicapped kids, but my bosses are the fucking retards. Sorry if thats not pc, but its the truth.
Sorry for the super long rant. I just needed to get that all out. I was yelling to myself all the way home. Probably looked like a crazy person to the people i passed by. HA
In happier news, i have a giant crush a girl. Too bad she lives on the other side of the continent, but she might be coming to see me this summer. Pretty excited about that.
New pics will be posted soon. For now, i'm just going to crash for the night.
Lets see... other new things in life....
Band is playing a show in Asheville, NC tomorrow night at a venue called the Boiler room. Our last show got cancelled due to snow, but tomorrow looks likes its going to happen.
Work sucks, mainly because both jobs are being sticklers for hours. I work from 7:45-3:15 monday-friday at a schoool. I work from 2:30-5:45 monday-friday at the other. So i was double dipping a little bit, and now people are noticing. Its something i've obviously been doing and everyone knew, but now all of the sudden i'm just a horrible person for doing it. So heres the deal. My duties at the school are pretty much over with by 2:30. If there is a lot of work to do, i get to work early so i can start work in the afternoon by 2:30. Now, suddenly, both jobs want me working specific times and documenting exactly when i'm working. Why the fuck does it matter. I get my work done, the parents of the kids i work with are happy, and most of all, i do a damn good job with these kids. I'll fib here and there on my time sheets, cause some days i'll quit early but i'll make it up on another day.I just don't document it. Why do these people have to be sticklers after years of me doing this job, and not having any problems so far. I get reimbursed for mileage. I can go up to 45 miles a day. I usually drive at least that much, and now they're being stickers for that too. They want me documenting exactly where i'm going and how long i'm staying at each place. It annoys me, because all these ass holes who want this paperwork to be so exact have never done my job. They sit behind their nice warm desk, while i'm out in the community, freezing my ass off, and working with kids that most people can't deal with.
I guess this is why i was trying so desperately to get this other thing going. I'm tired of working dead end jobs, for people that don't appreciate it. I'm tired of bosses who just don't get it. If i'm working a job, and a customer complains, or a parent complains, then i can deal with that. But when some ass hole boss complains, just so they can get off on their so called "power" it just gets under my skin. Its even worse when they don't talk to me about it. They get annoyed at little things and they hold it against me, and then i hear from other people that my performance is being evaluated. Its poor management, it bad business. If an employee is doing something that you don't like, you talk to them. Its as simple as that. I've been doing my jobs for 4 years now, and my dumb ass boss has less experience than i do. Thats the value our country puts on a fucking degree. It doesn't matter how much knowledge or experience you have. If you don't have that piece of paper saying you're certified, then you're obviously not qualified. I work with mentally handicapped kids, but my bosses are the fucking retards. Sorry if thats not pc, but its the truth.
Sorry for the super long rant. I just needed to get that all out. I was yelling to myself all the way home. Probably looked like a crazy person to the people i passed by. HA
In happier news, i have a giant crush a girl. Too bad she lives on the other side of the continent, but she might be coming to see me this summer. Pretty excited about that.
New pics will be posted soon. For now, i'm just going to crash for the night.
I can't believe it snowed more! Hilarious. It's actually been a lot colder here the past little while but still really sunny and pretty. Rained pretty hard for a few days which van is known for. I actually like rain a lot sometimes but not when I have to go to work in it!
Things have been super quiet here, not too much going on. On my way to the grocery store right now to got food for my guinea pig haha. I shop more often for my critters than myself! But that shouldn't surprise anyone!
2 more days til I go see my uncle. I'm assuming it'll be the last time I see him. I don't feel to sad about it I don't feel very close to him but it's really weird to know someone's dying.
Anyways time for me to shower and eat. I'm now walking home. Haha the joys of internet on my phone I wrote while I shopped. Yes I am addicted.
Oh ps my freckles are crazy in the summer so you'll see them full force! So funny.
Night gorgeous
Never seen hot dog.... probably would never want to eat them. Probably couldnt (cant eat meat stock which I think is in a lot of those weird flavors!)
Im excited too! I cant even remember the last time I was so excited for anything! And it IS kind of dragging by because of that... but it'll get here!