So i know i said i was going on hiatus, but i'm just pretty excited about whats going on right now and just felt like i needed to get this out.
My band was supposed to play a show at the local college (WCU) unity festival. I was told that this coming weekend was "coming out" weekend for kids who want to finally admit that they are gay or whatever. So we were going to play this show that was in support of women, gay, and lesbian rights. They wound up canceling all the music and are having a giant drag show instead. Can't really blame them, but i was pretty bummed about it. Then my band was asked to play at the after party that was at my favorite bar. The problem is that we just played there last friday, and we don't want to play that gig too much. So instead of the usual band, my friend Josh and i, and possibly one other person will be performing a quick acoustic show. A few punk covers, mainly of NOFX songs and a few originals too. I'll get a chance to branch away from the drums for a bit because i'll be playing guitar, and mandolin, and josh will be doing guitar and possibly banjo... he might even try the trumpet. All i can say is it'll be interesting.
Updates on life... not much, still the same
... work sucks, town kinda sucks, miss a certain girl but giving her space and letting her do her own thing, still thinking about getting my own place, still planning on going back to school either this summer or next fall, playing modern warfare 2 like a mad man, masturbating waaaay too much... if thats even possible, writing and playing more music again, considering starting to dance again, letting the hair get long, exercising again, smiling more, back to using my "fuck it" mentality (oh shits not working out... fuck it, friend is being a dick... fuck him, girl treating me like i don't exist... fuck her, girl wants to get in my pants... fuck her (literally... muah, too bad i don't really let this one happen as much as i could).
As far a my hiatus... i checked this site once in the past few days because i had a message, i replied and that was that. Didn't miss it much. Not enough goes on here for someone like me... i guess because, like i've said, i'm not good with online communities. I find one or two people to talk to and when they stop talking i have no reason to continue.
O well, i really shouldn't complain too much, besides the occasional insomnia, i'm feeling pretty good, i'm looking pretty good, and i life is far to precious to waste on things that will never be.
Later Suckers
My band was supposed to play a show at the local college (WCU) unity festival. I was told that this coming weekend was "coming out" weekend for kids who want to finally admit that they are gay or whatever. So we were going to play this show that was in support of women, gay, and lesbian rights. They wound up canceling all the music and are having a giant drag show instead. Can't really blame them, but i was pretty bummed about it. Then my band was asked to play at the after party that was at my favorite bar. The problem is that we just played there last friday, and we don't want to play that gig too much. So instead of the usual band, my friend Josh and i, and possibly one other person will be performing a quick acoustic show. A few punk covers, mainly of NOFX songs and a few originals too. I'll get a chance to branch away from the drums for a bit because i'll be playing guitar, and mandolin, and josh will be doing guitar and possibly banjo... he might even try the trumpet. All i can say is it'll be interesting.
Updates on life... not much, still the same
... work sucks, town kinda sucks, miss a certain girl but giving her space and letting her do her own thing, still thinking about getting my own place, still planning on going back to school either this summer or next fall, playing modern warfare 2 like a mad man, masturbating waaaay too much... if thats even possible, writing and playing more music again, considering starting to dance again, letting the hair get long, exercising again, smiling more, back to using my "fuck it" mentality (oh shits not working out... fuck it, friend is being a dick... fuck him, girl treating me like i don't exist... fuck her, girl wants to get in my pants... fuck her (literally... muah, too bad i don't really let this one happen as much as i could).
As far a my hiatus... i checked this site once in the past few days because i had a message, i replied and that was that. Didn't miss it much. Not enough goes on here for someone like me... i guess because, like i've said, i'm not good with online communities. I find one or two people to talk to and when they stop talking i have no reason to continue.
O well, i really shouldn't complain too much, besides the occasional insomnia, i'm feeling pretty good, i'm looking pretty good, and i life is far to precious to waste on things that will never be.
Later Suckers