The topic of today's Fave SG blog post:
I adore this lady for a lot of different reasons, but I'm going to highlight a few of the main ones in this post. I've never really had any major contact or interaction with Squeak (unlike the first 2 on my list) but it's hard not to adore someone with so many great qualities. So here it goes:
1) She posts a ton of awesome content online. Without ever getting to know her: I feel like she's let us all in quite a bit by posting various videos, pictures and updates to her social media pages. Everything from what seems like her million hobbies and interests, to her lifestyle, to her pole fitness and aerial dances. It's always so much fun to see what she's up to and what she's going to do next! I feel like a lot of people could learn from this example and give it a shot.
2) She's an introvert. My little brother is an introverted person, and it can be really tough on him. He tries to find his lot in life, where he fits in, what he loves, but he despises crowds and gets uncomfortable while having "small talk". A lot of people really don't understand him (myself included) and a lot of those people give him a hard time. Seeing squeak doing what she does, gives me a LOT of hope for my bro. I know they are different people completely, but squeak said in an interview "I just wasn't designed to play well with others" and it really struck a cord with me and opened up things between my brother and I tenfold. I love how open she is about it, and that she's taken the time to understand what it is, and how it affects her. It seems that she's found a way to work "around" it in some degree, and that's really inspiring.
3) The pole fitness!! Confession: I've never been to a strip club. In my small town, that's the only place to see anyone dance a pole, and I haven't had the courage or the desire to walk into one. I didn't really think much of it until I saw squeak's pole fitness videos.
I can't believe how talented and graceful she is!! It's seriously mesmerizing. If you haven't watched them: please do. It's wild.
4) She definitely marches to the beat of her own drum. Rather than try to fit in, she just does what she likes and other people can decide if that works for them or not. Too many people are striving to be like someone else out there, so it's REALLY refreshing to see someone like squeak who plays Magic the Gathering, lives a poly lifestyle, has dreads, and does the girliest things ever.
This is getting a tad long, As with any of these girls: I could go on forever, but I'll spare you the months of reading and cut it off here.
Squeak: Thanks for being you!
I adore this lady for a lot of different reasons, but I'm going to highlight a few of the main ones in this post. I've never really had any major contact or interaction with Squeak (unlike the first 2 on my list) but it's hard not to adore someone with so many great qualities. So here it goes:
1) She posts a ton of awesome content online. Without ever getting to know her: I feel like she's let us all in quite a bit by posting various videos, pictures and updates to her social media pages. Everything from what seems like her million hobbies and interests, to her lifestyle, to her pole fitness and aerial dances. It's always so much fun to see what she's up to and what she's going to do next! I feel like a lot of people could learn from this example and give it a shot.
2) She's an introvert. My little brother is an introverted person, and it can be really tough on him. He tries to find his lot in life, where he fits in, what he loves, but he despises crowds and gets uncomfortable while having "small talk". A lot of people really don't understand him (myself included) and a lot of those people give him a hard time. Seeing squeak doing what she does, gives me a LOT of hope for my bro. I know they are different people completely, but squeak said in an interview "I just wasn't designed to play well with others" and it really struck a cord with me and opened up things between my brother and I tenfold. I love how open she is about it, and that she's taken the time to understand what it is, and how it affects her. It seems that she's found a way to work "around" it in some degree, and that's really inspiring.
3) The pole fitness!! Confession: I've never been to a strip club. In my small town, that's the only place to see anyone dance a pole, and I haven't had the courage or the desire to walk into one. I didn't really think much of it until I saw squeak's pole fitness videos.

4) She definitely marches to the beat of her own drum. Rather than try to fit in, she just does what she likes and other people can decide if that works for them or not. Too many people are striving to be like someone else out there, so it's REALLY refreshing to see someone like squeak who plays Magic the Gathering, lives a poly lifestyle, has dreads, and does the girliest things ever.
This is getting a tad long, As with any of these girls: I could go on forever, but I'll spare you the months of reading and cut it off here.
Squeak: Thanks for being you!