Sorry I haven't been blogging as much as I used to 
My life completely 100% revolves around my little man these days. He takes up all of my time, so I don't feel as though I have much to blog about. Well, aside from my Mummy adventures with him, but I don't think anyone on SG wants to hear about that?
I still log onto SG every single day though, and browse the groups and boards several times a day. Every single day. Just like I have done, for the past 6 years. Even though I'm a bit quieter around these parts, I'm always still here, snooping and stalking and browsing. I still like to try and keep up to date with what's going on
So don't think I've disappeared, I'm still here

My life completely 100% revolves around my little man these days. He takes up all of my time, so I don't feel as though I have much to blog about. Well, aside from my Mummy adventures with him, but I don't think anyone on SG wants to hear about that?
I still log onto SG every single day though, and browse the groups and boards several times a day. Every single day. Just like I have done, for the past 6 years. Even though I'm a bit quieter around these parts, I'm always still here, snooping and stalking and browsing. I still like to try and keep up to date with what's going on

So don't think I've disappeared, I'm still here

I have a friend who posts stuff about being a mum, and it's great!
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