First of all, holy wow - check out what popped into my inbox this morning.....

A nice little surprise from stauffielicious! That certainly put a smile on my dial. And here's a whole thread fullllllll of the artworks - for those of you who are interested. Mad talent, right?
Secondly, I'm doing really well. Things are as back to normal as they can be after the surgery. We're trying for a baby again, which is great. We're just super happy the obgyn gave us the go ahead to start trying again. That gives us hope. Makes things a lot easier. The whole process of ovulation tests, pregnancy tests, calculating and waiting and waiting and waiting is upon us again. But the thought of possibly getting a little bundle of baby at the end of it, keeps us smiling. I won't lie, being at the 7 week stage of pregnancy, and then suddenly being right back and zero, is really frustrating. But you know, what can you do. Dwelling on he past isn't going to make anything easier. Time to move on and focus on the present and future
I've got alot of things to look forward to as well coming up soon! It's my birthday next Saturday (4th Feb). I'll be 28. I'm probably having a quiet one this year. Just with family. I also won a free Hot Stone Massage last week from a Facebook comp that a local beauty salon here was running. So I booked in to have it the day before my birthday, and also booked in for a facial at the same time. So on Friday I've got my massage and facial, all ready to be nice and relaxed on Saturday for my birthday.
(Wishlist link for anyone who is interested) I only really post my wishlist link on birthdays and Christmas. So, that time of year again I guess, for those generous souls
Also, I can now add things that are already here in Aus, so it cuts back on shipping 
I've been having alot of relaxing days lately actually. Taking things very easily. It's been raining pretty heavily here at the moment and it's forecast to rain for the rest of the week. There are flood and weather warnings flying around everywhere at the moment, but I have faith that the flooding we experienced last year won't happen again anytime soon. We're keeping a close eye on the creek. For the meantime, I'm huddled up inside with the dogs, watching The L Word, browsing tumblr and drinking hot chocolate.
Which is exactly what I'm going to get back to doing right now

A nice little surprise from stauffielicious! That certainly put a smile on my dial. And here's a whole thread fullllllll of the artworks - for those of you who are interested. Mad talent, right?
Secondly, I'm doing really well. Things are as back to normal as they can be after the surgery. We're trying for a baby again, which is great. We're just super happy the obgyn gave us the go ahead to start trying again. That gives us hope. Makes things a lot easier. The whole process of ovulation tests, pregnancy tests, calculating and waiting and waiting and waiting is upon us again. But the thought of possibly getting a little bundle of baby at the end of it, keeps us smiling. I won't lie, being at the 7 week stage of pregnancy, and then suddenly being right back and zero, is really frustrating. But you know, what can you do. Dwelling on he past isn't going to make anything easier. Time to move on and focus on the present and future

I've got alot of things to look forward to as well coming up soon! It's my birthday next Saturday (4th Feb). I'll be 28. I'm probably having a quiet one this year. Just with family. I also won a free Hot Stone Massage last week from a Facebook comp that a local beauty salon here was running. So I booked in to have it the day before my birthday, and also booked in for a facial at the same time. So on Friday I've got my massage and facial, all ready to be nice and relaxed on Saturday for my birthday.
(Wishlist link for anyone who is interested) I only really post my wishlist link on birthdays and Christmas. So, that time of year again I guess, for those generous souls

I've been having alot of relaxing days lately actually. Taking things very easily. It's been raining pretty heavily here at the moment and it's forecast to rain for the rest of the week. There are flood and weather warnings flying around everywhere at the moment, but I have faith that the flooding we experienced last year won't happen again anytime soon. We're keeping a close eye on the creek. For the meantime, I'm huddled up inside with the dogs, watching The L Word, browsing tumblr and drinking hot chocolate.
Which is exactly what I'm going to get back to doing right now

Happy birthday!!

Happy Birthday!