"The best thing is not to hate anyone, only to love. That is the only way out of it. As soon as you have forgiven those whom you hate, you have gotten rid of them. Then you have no reason to hate them."
Through all that I have been through the past 31yrs I never told someone I hated them. I forgive. I am not gonna waste my time hating. I am not perfect; no one is. I am human and imperfections are part of my design. I will learn from my imperfections and mistakes everyday. This will lead me to be a stronger person who is not afraid to love or to be loved.
Sometimes if we search deep within ourselves we can find out what the root of the problem is. It is at this point in which we can fully realize and admit that we may have made mistakes ourselves instead of always blaming someone else for our imperfections. Of course there can be underlying elements from childhood experiences. Maybe it was past relationship issues that are resurfacing under a new moniker. It is upon this realization that we may be able to seperate the past from the present in order to focus back on the "perfections"/"good times" instead of dwelling on the "imperfections."/" Bad times" It is at this point that we can stop the hate and love again. Optimism not Pessimism
Through all that I have been through the past 31yrs I never told someone I hated them. I forgive. I am not gonna waste my time hating. I am not perfect; no one is. I am human and imperfections are part of my design. I will learn from my imperfections and mistakes everyday. This will lead me to be a stronger person who is not afraid to love or to be loved.
Sometimes if we search deep within ourselves we can find out what the root of the problem is. It is at this point in which we can fully realize and admit that we may have made mistakes ourselves instead of always blaming someone else for our imperfections. Of course there can be underlying elements from childhood experiences. Maybe it was past relationship issues that are resurfacing under a new moniker. It is upon this realization that we may be able to seperate the past from the present in order to focus back on the "perfections"/"good times" instead of dwelling on the "imperfections."/" Bad times" It is at this point that we can stop the hate and love again. Optimism not Pessimism
Very profound. I think that's a lesson we all need sometimes.....

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