I looked on my photog page today after uploading two sets today and check it.
18 referrals... 3+3+3+3+3+3
9 live sets.... 3+3+3
3 rejected sets
3 accepted new sets
3 waiting to be accepted. Random
Anyway, Elly and I will be shooting for my buddy's Dad's strip club in Fayetteville, N.C. On saturday the 10th. Then i will be shooting promos and live shots of Chinese STARs and DAughters AT the DRunken Unicorn On Sunday the 11th.. Then we start our journey towards texas to cover part of SXSW In Austin. We will probablly go through Jackson Ms., New orleans, Mobile Alabama and then get in austin around thursday eve or so. I am hoping to meet up with Vivisect in houston and shoot. We have been pen pals back and fourth for a couple of years and I am really stoked to hopefully be working with her. She is amazing. We will also hopefully be meeting up with Funkyillusions while we are in Austin. AND I forgot to mention that Mostlikely hopefully We will meet up with Addie Sg for lunch on sunday on our way to ATlanta. She will be down here in the Dirty South. So, there, I dropped some names. Drop yours if you are in those areas and would like to shoot, eat, meet Elly or anything cool like that. Or play guitar HEro!! ahmm. Napalm get with us woman!!!!
OH, and I Shot for VEsperi/Liberator Clothiers this weekend. Here are 3 of 1,087 shots I took that day. i am really stoked on this stuff. xoxoxoxox

I looked on my photog page today after uploading two sets today and check it.
18 referrals... 3+3+3+3+3+3
9 live sets.... 3+3+3
3 rejected sets
3 accepted new sets
3 waiting to be accepted. Random
Anyway, Elly and I will be shooting for my buddy's Dad's strip club in Fayetteville, N.C. On saturday the 10th. Then i will be shooting promos and live shots of Chinese STARs and DAughters AT the DRunken Unicorn On Sunday the 11th.. Then we start our journey towards texas to cover part of SXSW In Austin. We will probablly go through Jackson Ms., New orleans, Mobile Alabama and then get in austin around thursday eve or so. I am hoping to meet up with Vivisect in houston and shoot. We have been pen pals back and fourth for a couple of years and I am really stoked to hopefully be working with her. She is amazing. We will also hopefully be meeting up with Funkyillusions while we are in Austin. AND I forgot to mention that Mostlikely hopefully We will meet up with Addie Sg for lunch on sunday on our way to ATlanta. She will be down here in the Dirty South. So, there, I dropped some names. Drop yours if you are in those areas and would like to shoot, eat, meet Elly or anything cool like that. Or play guitar HEro!! ahmm. Napalm get with us woman!!!!
OH, and I Shot for VEsperi/Liberator Clothiers this weekend. Here are 3 of 1,087 shots I took that day. i am really stoked on this stuff. xoxoxoxox

The dress in the first picture is bangin'. I want one. Let me know when you're back in SC so I can come see you and Elly!!

I can be there and naked in 10 mins! Give me 10 min! I don't care if i am in TN! I will make it in 10 mins tops!
Shoot me!