New entry. Gee, my time here is coming to and end soon - commence mass downloading! Things are going a lot better for me than a year ago. I have an A average in school (well, A-, but close enough), I'm happy with my pictures, I'm learning to sculpt and make video games. My first game is going to be a shooter melded with Guitar...
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Today I pwned nubs, learned to play Across the Universe on guitar, and popped an excruciatingly painful pimple on the inside of my nose. It sucked really bad, but now I can blow my nose without cripling pain. Also, a cute girl told me she liked my pictures. Oh my, it's sun rise! Goodnight internet.
Happy Birfday Beyotch!!!
Happy Birthday!!! 

Apparently I have to have one of these things to get into groups. Um, my life's boring, I live in a boring white suburb, go to a boring local college, all my friends have left the state and I want too as soon as I can (next fall, hopefully). I'm bitter as fuck - who wants to read this!?
[edit - I deleted the rest,...
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[edit - I deleted the rest,...
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I know how you feel about the religion thing with your sister.... I grew up in a religious warzone.....
As for your family, you cannot change them you can change yourself, I try every single day to make sure I don't become my mother, its a life long battle, but I never want to treat my kids like she treated me. And your grandfather, he will be the only you model yourself after you obviously admire him
I dont think this will make you feel better, but i hope it does something.
PS - Mini highlighters rock
As for your family, you cannot change them you can change yourself, I try every single day to make sure I don't become my mother, its a life long battle, but I never want to treat my kids like she treated me. And your grandfather, he will be the only you model yourself after you obviously admire him
I dont think this will make you feel better, but i hope it does something.
PS - Mini highlighters rock

i really dig your drawings!