So I resubscribed to recently...hoping that 2006(66) will bring not only some STABINATION, but perhaps at least a date...or two... I met a couple keen people the last time around, but lo and behold, me am still single. Although, now that I've been doing more 'lady-shopping' as of late, I'm seeing that not much has changed and leaves me thinking that I'll probably still be single come May (when my subscription ends). It seems the majority of women out there are looking for guys who are ten years older and a whole foot taller than I am... Not too many seem to be keen on tattoos either...I guess I'm not helping my case in that I'm looking to get tattooed AGAIN in two weeks when I go visit my friend Reiko up in Northern Cal (can you think of a better souvenir after the road trip I'm about to make???...hey, it's either get inked or buy socks to commemorate the journey). But yeah, I was talking to my friend Ann a couple weeks ago about how it seems like all girls these days want someone who's considerably older...and Ann assured me that there's someone out there for me...she's just hitting puberty right now and I won't meet her for another 10 or 12 years...yeesh...(and yuck)...preferably, I'd like to meet someone within my age range. Perhaps give or take, ohhhh...three years? I'd least like my lady to be able to drink legally... Although, I'm willing to go a little more than three years older than me but definitely not more than three years younger...I'm not really in to that barely legal shite...because that would make me barely a pedophile...le sigh...all the good ones are taken...or hypothetical...we'll see what happens...

Right back at you with the evil fingers my man