So I'm still working on the report of this past weekend's concert experiences. I AM TIRED!!! Must...sleep... I want to post all the happenings along with some post-GWAR pics that I took of myself with my video camera...I just need to isolate the frames from the video. Soooooo...expect that to be posted tonight or tomorrow...until then, here's one of those questionnaire things that I swiped from Janananicole's page just so I would have SOMETHING to post:
1) What stickers do you have on your car, if any? Nonebut Im thinking about ordering a Trogdor static cling from
2) What posters do you have in your room? I have a TON of posters IN my roombut not all of them are uphehewhat is up: Evil Dead, Army of Darkness, Immortal Beloved, Rob Zombie advertisement poster for Hellbilly Deluxe, Godhead advertisement poster for Evolverwhat was up but I took down to rearrange the room: cloth posters of Marilyn Manson, Dimmu Borgir, GWARI also have a Marilyn Manson Golden Age of Grotesque vinyl banner that was taken down for the same reason as the cloth posterstheres also a five foot long Devils Rejects last supper banner that is WAITING to be put up on the wallI just need to get my lazy ass around to framing it!
3) What do you hear right now? Our executive director of film clip licensing in my right ear, Electric Six in my slightly deaf left ear
4) If you could drink anything right this second, what would it be? WHISKY
5) Does anything hurt on your body right now? My prostate
6) Ever take candy from someone? Sure
7) Whats your job position called? Office slave
8) What size ring do you wear? I dont knowIve never worn a ring.
9) Do you own a camera phone? No
10) Whats your birthday? November 29, 1981one more bloody week until 24
11) What was your elementary schools mascot? Dolphin
12) Whats your favorite bottled water? Dont have onewhatevers on sale I guess
13) What's the next concert/show you're going to and when? GODHEAD, December 15 at the Whisky on Sunset Blvd.
14) What were you doing at 9 pm last night? I was at the El Rey, to see Buckethead.
15) Whats your favorite Starbucks drink? Never had Starbucks
16) Describe your sex life? Nonexistenton November 30th, itll be exactly two years since Ive had some action
17) Did you attend your High School prom? Hell no
18) Did you go to someone elses prom? Hell no
19) Would you give your bf/gf a second chance if they cheated on you? Hell no
20) Something red within 5 feet of you: The devil
21) Your last bag of chips? UmDoritos?
22) The weirdest thing you've seen this week? Buckethead playing/fretting his guitar with his left hand whilst twirling nunchuks with his right
23) Ever done the Electric Slide? No
24) How much French do you know? Very littleI took two years of French in high school, but never had anyone to speak it withso Ive forgotten a considerable amount.
25) Sparkly things? Im with Janana on this one: they distract me...
26) Ever crash a car, been in accidents? Been in an accident onceit took the life of my black Saturn coupe*sniffle*
27) Do you look good in yellow? Umdoes anyone?
28) Do you sing? Ive started to practice singing in my carwith the windows rolled upI would like to be at least semi-prepared if Im ever in a band again
29) Ever sang in front of a crowd? Nope
30) Do you dance? Nope
31) Is your hair its natural color? These days it is
32) Do you exercise as much as you should? Nopethis body sees very little physical activity
33) Favorite kind of pizza? Cheeselessme am lactose intolerant
34) Ever had Dippin Dots? Quoi?
35) Ever make fun of a homeless person? No
36) How old were you when you got a cell phone? Sometime in college19?
37) How old were you when you got your first car? 19
38) How many tickets do you have? Two
39) How long have you been driving? 4 years
40) How many parking tickets? None
41) Do you own your own car? The one my parents got for methanks mom & dad!
42) Do you want to get married? Nowouldnt mind having awhats the correct term? Life partner? Well, someone whom I would be 100% committed to without the social bullshit of marriage
43) At what age do you want to get married? See answer #42
44) Have you ever been married? No
45) Have you ever received a restraining order? Not yet
46) At what age do you want to have kids? I think Im one of those people who should not reproduce
47) How many kids? If it actually happensone
48) Ketchup or Mustard? Mustard!
49) When is the last time someone deleted you from their SG friends list? If its happened, I dont knowI dont pay attention to ANYTHINGjust ask LordBasaThunder
50) How many times a week are you on SG? A few times a week
If quote is true there's an x:
(X) I've Never Been Drunk
( ) I've Never Smoked Pot
( ) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Opposite Sex
(X) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
(X) I've Never Crashed A Friend's Car
(X) I've Never Been To Japan
(X) I've Never Been In A Taxi
( ) I've Never Been In Love
(X) I've Never Had Sex In Public
Scott's Note on the Above:although I once gave gf#2 oral in a restroom 10 minutes before she was about to head in to work
( ) I've Never Been Dumped
( ) I've Never Done Cocaine
(X) I've Never Shoplifted
(X) I've Never Been Fired
( ) I've Never Been In A Fist Fight
(X) I've Never Had Group Intercourse (threesome)
( ) I've Never Snuck Out Of My Parent's House
(X) I've Never Been Tied Up
(X) I've Never Regretted Having Sex With Someone
(X) I've Never Been Arrested
(X) I've Never Made Out With A Stranger
( ) I've Never Stolen Something From My Job
(X) I've Never Celebrated New Years In Time Square
(X) I've Never Gone On A Blind Date
( ) I've Never Lied To A Friend
(X) I've Never Had A Crush On A Teacher
(X) I've Never Celebrated Mardi-Gras In New Orleans
(X) I've Never Been To Europe
(X) I've Never Skipped School
(X) I've Never Slept With A Co-Worker
Scott's Note on the Above: Slept with, yes, have sex with? No...
( ) I've Never Cut Myself On Purpose
(X) I've Never Had Sex At The Office
(X) I've Never Been Married
(X) I've Never Been Divorced
(X) I've Never Had Sex With More Than One Person Within The Same Week
( ) I've Never Posed Nude
Scott's Note on the Above: well, never POSED nude, but allowed gf#2 to take pictures whilst in the buff...
(X) I've Never Gotten Someone Drunk Just To Have Sex With Them
(X) I've Never Killed Anyone
Scott's Note on the Above: Well, not yet...
( ) I've Never Received a hickey From My Sex Partner
(X) I've Never Thrown Up In A Bar
(X) I've Never Purposely Set A Part Of Myself On Fire
(X) I've Never Eaten Sushi
(X) I've Never Been Snowboarding
(X) I've Never Had Sex At A Friend's House
Scott's Note on the Above: does girlFRIEND count?
(X) I've Never Had Sex In A Dressing Room
( ) I've Never Flashed Anyone
Scott's Note on the Above: again, does girlfriend count?
I hope I covered everythingI didnt bother to go over and double check this listI never look back!...hehewell, thats a lieIm just tired and lazy and not paying attention to anything (more so than usual) right nowso there may be some interesting answers and/or skipped questions as a result...zzzzzzz

1) What stickers do you have on your car, if any? Nonebut Im thinking about ordering a Trogdor static cling from
2) What posters do you have in your room? I have a TON of posters IN my roombut not all of them are uphehewhat is up: Evil Dead, Army of Darkness, Immortal Beloved, Rob Zombie advertisement poster for Hellbilly Deluxe, Godhead advertisement poster for Evolverwhat was up but I took down to rearrange the room: cloth posters of Marilyn Manson, Dimmu Borgir, GWARI also have a Marilyn Manson Golden Age of Grotesque vinyl banner that was taken down for the same reason as the cloth posterstheres also a five foot long Devils Rejects last supper banner that is WAITING to be put up on the wallI just need to get my lazy ass around to framing it!
3) What do you hear right now? Our executive director of film clip licensing in my right ear, Electric Six in my slightly deaf left ear
4) If you could drink anything right this second, what would it be? WHISKY
5) Does anything hurt on your body right now? My prostate
6) Ever take candy from someone? Sure
7) Whats your job position called? Office slave
8) What size ring do you wear? I dont knowIve never worn a ring.
9) Do you own a camera phone? No
10) Whats your birthday? November 29, 1981one more bloody week until 24
11) What was your elementary schools mascot? Dolphin
12) Whats your favorite bottled water? Dont have onewhatevers on sale I guess
13) What's the next concert/show you're going to and when? GODHEAD, December 15 at the Whisky on Sunset Blvd.
14) What were you doing at 9 pm last night? I was at the El Rey, to see Buckethead.
15) Whats your favorite Starbucks drink? Never had Starbucks
16) Describe your sex life? Nonexistenton November 30th, itll be exactly two years since Ive had some action
17) Did you attend your High School prom? Hell no
18) Did you go to someone elses prom? Hell no
19) Would you give your bf/gf a second chance if they cheated on you? Hell no
20) Something red within 5 feet of you: The devil
21) Your last bag of chips? UmDoritos?
22) The weirdest thing you've seen this week? Buckethead playing/fretting his guitar with his left hand whilst twirling nunchuks with his right
23) Ever done the Electric Slide? No
24) How much French do you know? Very littleI took two years of French in high school, but never had anyone to speak it withso Ive forgotten a considerable amount.
25) Sparkly things? Im with Janana on this one: they distract me...
26) Ever crash a car, been in accidents? Been in an accident onceit took the life of my black Saturn coupe*sniffle*
27) Do you look good in yellow? Umdoes anyone?
28) Do you sing? Ive started to practice singing in my carwith the windows rolled upI would like to be at least semi-prepared if Im ever in a band again
29) Ever sang in front of a crowd? Nope
30) Do you dance? Nope
31) Is your hair its natural color? These days it is
32) Do you exercise as much as you should? Nopethis body sees very little physical activity
33) Favorite kind of pizza? Cheeselessme am lactose intolerant
34) Ever had Dippin Dots? Quoi?
35) Ever make fun of a homeless person? No
36) How old were you when you got a cell phone? Sometime in college19?
37) How old were you when you got your first car? 19
38) How many tickets do you have? Two
39) How long have you been driving? 4 years
40) How many parking tickets? None
41) Do you own your own car? The one my parents got for methanks mom & dad!

42) Do you want to get married? Nowouldnt mind having awhats the correct term? Life partner? Well, someone whom I would be 100% committed to without the social bullshit of marriage
43) At what age do you want to get married? See answer #42
44) Have you ever been married? No
45) Have you ever received a restraining order? Not yet
46) At what age do you want to have kids? I think Im one of those people who should not reproduce
47) How many kids? If it actually happensone
48) Ketchup or Mustard? Mustard!
49) When is the last time someone deleted you from their SG friends list? If its happened, I dont knowI dont pay attention to ANYTHINGjust ask LordBasaThunder
50) How many times a week are you on SG? A few times a week
If quote is true there's an x:
(X) I've Never Been Drunk
( ) I've Never Smoked Pot
( ) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Opposite Sex
(X) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
(X) I've Never Crashed A Friend's Car
(X) I've Never Been To Japan
(X) I've Never Been In A Taxi
( ) I've Never Been In Love
(X) I've Never Had Sex In Public
Scott's Note on the Above:although I once gave gf#2 oral in a restroom 10 minutes before she was about to head in to work
( ) I've Never Been Dumped
( ) I've Never Done Cocaine
(X) I've Never Shoplifted
(X) I've Never Been Fired
( ) I've Never Been In A Fist Fight
(X) I've Never Had Group Intercourse (threesome)
( ) I've Never Snuck Out Of My Parent's House
(X) I've Never Been Tied Up
(X) I've Never Regretted Having Sex With Someone
(X) I've Never Been Arrested
(X) I've Never Made Out With A Stranger
( ) I've Never Stolen Something From My Job
(X) I've Never Celebrated New Years In Time Square
(X) I've Never Gone On A Blind Date
( ) I've Never Lied To A Friend
(X) I've Never Had A Crush On A Teacher
(X) I've Never Celebrated Mardi-Gras In New Orleans
(X) I've Never Been To Europe
(X) I've Never Skipped School
(X) I've Never Slept With A Co-Worker
Scott's Note on the Above: Slept with, yes, have sex with? No...
( ) I've Never Cut Myself On Purpose
(X) I've Never Had Sex At The Office
(X) I've Never Been Married
(X) I've Never Been Divorced
(X) I've Never Had Sex With More Than One Person Within The Same Week
( ) I've Never Posed Nude
Scott's Note on the Above: well, never POSED nude, but allowed gf#2 to take pictures whilst in the buff...
(X) I've Never Gotten Someone Drunk Just To Have Sex With Them
(X) I've Never Killed Anyone
Scott's Note on the Above: Well, not yet...
( ) I've Never Received a hickey From My Sex Partner
(X) I've Never Thrown Up In A Bar
(X) I've Never Purposely Set A Part Of Myself On Fire
(X) I've Never Eaten Sushi
(X) I've Never Been Snowboarding
(X) I've Never Had Sex At A Friend's House
Scott's Note on the Above: does girlFRIEND count?

(X) I've Never Had Sex In A Dressing Room
( ) I've Never Flashed Anyone
Scott's Note on the Above: again, does girlfriend count?

I hope I covered everythingI didnt bother to go over and double check this listI never look back!...hehewell, thats a lieIm just tired and lazy and not paying attention to anything (more so than usual) right nowso there may be some interesting answers and/or skipped questions as a result...zzzzzzz

Scotty is pretty strange... But he is the kinda guy that would help you hide the bodies.