Ah were to start, its been a while. I've been rather down for quite a while. Generaly could barely be bothered breathing.Haven't been doing to well with the whole being by my self thing. Anywho I slaped myself repeatedly over the face with a wet fish and got out of it ( RIDE and Budism to be honest). So have been trying to get myself back. I'm feeling alot better about myself. Ive been going out a bit which has been good. but I need some advice. I just got back from a good night out, but I'm In a bit of a pickle. I'm generaly completely oblivious to any interest from the fairer sex, but tonight I noticed alot. Which was what I needed. Problem is I dont know what to do with it. I don't do casual sex, and I'm not ready for a relationship, but I'm desperately lonely. What to do? Oh by the way Wellington NZ has the most beautiful women in the world.
which sucks arse.
which sucks arse.
about the the advice you could always join a website like (kiwi equivalent) of aussiematchmaker. i did it and got to go out on dates with guys, not necessarily for relationships or sex, i made friends aswell. and even if you meet weirdos at least its entertaining! anyway just a suggestion : )
Cheers for the advice.