Tis was my first time firespinning.
I was invited to a"circus-like get together" at a friend's house.
Turns out they were 2 members of a fire performance troupe called HVBRIS - https://www.facebook.com/Hvbris?fref=ts
And after playing in a yard with toys all day, that evening a person lent me their firestaff and the picture below is from my first burn on 3/30/2013.
I definitely got hooked. It was exhilarating. I was completely in the moment, and it felt great..
It is a difficult feeling to describe. Basically when I was able to get completely in the moment, my mind, body, and soul were all acting as one, towards one purpose. Life became simple.
The fire basically made it so that I had no choice but to be completely in the moment.
And the endorphin rush after a good burn. . That's the good stuff right there. Don't need drugs to ride that train.
From there I started spinning at more places, and got my hand on my own contact staff.
I practiced... a lot. Still do. Not always vigilant. I have gone through months of not picking up the tools of my chosen art form, but when life starts getting too frustrating, too numbing and I start to get overwhelmed I pick my tools back up again and life once again gets simpler.
Also, I hit myself... a lot. Learning contact staff hurts. I definitely rung my bell a few times as well as I picked up a good number of bruises along the way.
So if anyone wants to learn contact staff; know that it hurts.
Then. for Yule of 2013... I became the very happy owner of a dragonstaff. It pretty.
I already have a couple videos of it up on my profile, so if you wanna see the dragonstaff on fire I suggest you go view them. I am planning on doing some more videos soon because I need to see how I am doing from the outside.
Then in August, I had a tool specially commissioned. 3 feet of staff, and 2 of blade.. Contact weighted.
In other words, a Contact Fire Glaive!
I am currently working with an LED want and podpoi too, but of those I do not have good video or pictures really.
Sometimes, being the person doing the things means that I am not able to take the pictures, so yeah... still need someone to help me out with that.
But yeah... this is the story of how I am in the process of becoming a fire performer as a lucrative profession. Intelligently and with a decent paying job because performing art work doesn't pay well.
Oh, here is a picture of a fun day!
Not doing anything especially challenging in that moment, but damn I am liking how this hobby of mine is getting my arms ripped!