I'm really glad the lovely people at sg just renewed my membership for two years with out asking me. good thing there was actually money in my account for a change.

Sirius Satellite just did the same thing except that was a bigger chunk of change, 275 bones. no wonder there facing bankruptcy. mad
you wouldnt really considering leaving tho would u? i mean then you'd have to live without the glorious blessing that is pierced and tattooed naked ladies ..... and of course, my amazing company biggrin
i can understand that. but i'm glad you are sticking around!!!!!
I'm actually happy, really happy right now. I feel as if a huge wait has been lifted. I have successfully deleted someone from my life. And the best part about it is I don't feel like a dick for doing it. It kinda of sucks that someones life had to be put in danger for me to see past the bull shit. but hey, what...
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i grew a mustache to go along with my new bad ass "I don't give a shit about anything" attitude I've been sporting as of late. been drinking a lot too. they kinda go hand in hand, it's hard to care about anything when you're drunk.

any ways....

who wants a mustache ride!?
NEW tour dates. Fuck yeah!

Apr 28 2009 8:00P The Marquee w/ DevilDriver Tulsa, Oklahoma
Apr 30 2009 8:00P Southgate House w/ DevilDriver Newport, Kentucky
May 1 2009 8:00P Alrosa Villa w/ DevilDriver Columbus, Ohio
May 2 2009 8:00P Harpos w/ DevilDriver Detroit, Michigan
May 8 2009 4:30P Zoo Amphitheater w/ Slipknot & Korn Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
May 9 2009 2:00P Edgefest w/ Slipknot &...
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WHOA! That is sooooo amazing! I'm so happy for you!
Hellz yeah!
The damage report is in from my weekend snow boarding at Breckenridge. I'll start from the top and work my way down.

1 concussion
1 cut on bridge of nose
1 fat lip
1 sore left shoulder
1 sore left elbow
1 strained left wrist
2 strained thumbs
1 bruised tail bone
various bruises on ass.

While it was a painful weekend I had loads...
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So it's going to be the nicest weekend of the year and I'm heading off the ballerado to go play in the snow! figures...
I normally I hate snow but when it serves a propose, like providing me with hours of entertainment I can handle. It should be a good weekend. tomorrows high in Breckenridge is going to be 36 with might be a little...
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ah have fun hun!!!!! let us know how it goes and post pics!
As much as I hate losing friends I think I have to put an end to a friendship with someone I truly care about and wanted to be in her life . While it is true that our relationship started out as a more then friends thing but didn't work out due to timing and other bullshit like that.(i.e. she had a boyfriend) I gave...
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being a convenient friend sucks tho. i totally understand. kisses from bellevue!
i know exactly how you feel.

i am in a very similar situation with an ex bf of mine.
it's really shitty...
that feeling of being walked all over.

i think i'll blog about it tomorrow =]

wishing you the best, darling.

I bought three new books last night, which is kinda dumb considering I haven't finished the last one I started. I read books like I listen to music, I rotate them in and out depending on my mood. It's a little bit tedious having to re-read chapters in order to remember what the hell was going on and get back into them. but I guess...
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U can always do things in the boring way or make them more interesting smile
hahahahahahahahahhahaha you love it!
I bought myself a Jeep this weekend. while I'm sad to see the eclipse go (I loved that car) the jeep takes me back . my first vehicle was a 1975 CJ5, and I had a ton of fun with it. The new jeep is considerably nicer, the speedometer works and the soft top actually keeps the weather out.

Got a busy week this week,...
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New ink, I'm jealous! What are you having?
shopping for a new vehicle blows. nothing stresses me out more then dealing with sales people. fucking snakes
ah hun. do what i did. i did the whole deal over the phone and email. then all i had to do was test drive and sign. makes them antsy when you refuse to show up unless the deal is done!