Hey oh, Just when i start getting down about the way shit is going I hear a tid bit of info that makes me think things might actually work out.
Found out today that my band (Dirtfedd) ranked number 33 in radio play for metal in 2009. That's pretty crazy for a bunch of dudes from Nebraska that no one has ever heard of, or... Read More
so I'm going on my third week of being sick, found out last week I have mono. thought it was kinda funny at first to get the kissing disease at age 26 but then it started kicking in. I'm not just tired, I'm exhausted at all times. if I have to stand for more then an hour I start to feel faint and feel like... Read More
It's fall! hopefully I have mowed my lawn for the last time this year. Brought the fish in from the pond the other day, they're fucking huge. they barely fit in my fish tank. It's been along time since I have bloged but i was reading my old one and was amazed at the poor spelling and bad grammar and decided it must be changed... Read More
Fuck it's the middle of June! It's been awhile sense I felt like sharing and as time passes I get the feeling that this is pointless. Who the fuck really cares about what I'm doing, if you do, I guess it's kinda cool.
So here is the month in review.
My band CD came out on June 2nd after almost a year of being pushed... Read More
I'm sitting at home after three weeks of running around the country. And while I do appreciate a good nights sleep, a long shower, and a little alone time, I would rather not be at home. I really have nothing to do here other than work a square job. Supposedly we will be going back out in 2 weeks but nothing is firm yet.
NIN did play before JA. TR put the whole tour together just to say goodbye and wanted JA to reunite bc he's such a big fan. It was his idea for NIN to open for JA. SSSC was bad ass for the opening act tho. Here is a link for you. This was taken by someone in the front row just as TR walked onto stage for the first song. It's awesome!!
Had a photo shot last night with Mouse. He is by far my favorite photographer that we have worked with. He has great vision and is awesome with giving direction. Which is key when your working with six dudes that really don't know how to act in front of a camera. Did some group shots and some action shots where just raged through our set... Read More