Okay, so having a real social life again has been awesome, but jeez... I have no time to do anything else
Still, with two weeks off TAFE, I have a little more than usual.
Quick recap of the last month...
Engagement party was awesome - we had a good night, everyone had fun, and we got riotuosly drunk - and of course, there was the usual ammount - well, possible more that the usual ammount - of casual nudity, flirting and innapropriate conduct. Sadly the partner-swapping part of the evening was cut short due to a condom malfunction.
Fun times were had by all at the first Bushranger Bowl - probably the best first-run tournament I've been to.
Sadly, my grandmother had a fall. She's alright, but will be in the hospital a while, so I've been up to visit her every second day or so, trying to keep her from getting too bored.
Got the new laptops, so I've really gotta start getting on suicide girls more often, and now that I have a computer that can sit by the bed after the kids go down while the missus and I watch TV, that should work out nice. I mean, I read the news articles and hit up the boards and my groups, but I generally only get around to looking at about 1 set of pictures a week....
The birthday weekend for the missus was a huge success, happy to say, with the two of us emerging tired but happy from the weekends festivities.
- Friday night dinner at Hog's Breath and a movie - Crazy, Stupid Love - which was really, surprisingly good. I mean, intellectually speaking, I know Steve Carell is funny, I've seen the 40 y.o. Virgin and all, but I haven't actually found him amusing in quite some time. But this is a romantic comedy that is actually genuinely funny. If you haven't seen it, I recommend doing so.
- Saturday night, live music at Warners Bay Hotel, I headed home early to let our babysitter head off, but the night went well
- Sunday night, the birthday party. Birthday present - two two hour treatements at a new spa place in one of the bigger malls in Newcastle, so she can wither go twice or take a freind - was well receieved. Although I'm still a little in the dark as to what I bought. I mean, okay, massage, check, facial.... well, I get the idea, at least, if not the specifics, but what's an eye treatment entail? and what the fuck is a Salt Glow? Anway, back to the party - costume, movie themed. The missus got an awesome new green and black dress and went as a female version of Venom. I cheaped out, dug out some camo pants, a black muscle top, and a red tie for a bandanna and went as rambo. Horouble mention to my mate J and his girlfriend C, who came as Wayne and Garth from Waynes World, but costume of the night went to H, a friend and the ex of another friend. She's always been the type I've though of as a little sister, despite being about the same age as the missus, and sporting some pretty impressive cleavage. But jesus H christ, the outfit she wore sunday night was nothing short of spectacular - apparently, it was a strawberry shortcake outfit from a sex shop. I shall hereafter refer to her as strawberry shortskirt
Other highlights included the shocked look on my friend L's face after she learnt that the missus and I had started into the whole swinging thing recently, followed by a lot of flirting from her - perhaps we sparked some interest there - and E walking around in a bra for most of the party, after the missus, with E's permission, burnt her shirt in the fire we had outside to keep the smokers warm. No swinging that night, although, I earn't a few scratches from various ladies, who had a competition on who could mark me up the best, as most of the guys follwed E's lead and spent the night shirtless, and the missus and a few others thought that was a good excuse to showcase their scratching skillz. Friends that we usually swing with, B & A, got engaged at teh party too, although officially, it won'r be announced till B gets up to his parent's place next - he'd stashed the ring there for a future occasion, probably A's birthday next weekend - and so didn't have it on him.
Speaking of which, next weekend is shaping up to be a good one; A's birthday party will be in various pubs in Hamilton, the secondary nightspot after Newcastle city itself in town, and will be a scavanger hunt, teams for which have just been posted. We all have team colour flags to wear, and it looks like a good night - my team including B, MJ, myself and some girl I haven't met before. It's a good mix; B is a lot of fun, MJ's a bit nuts, and someone new, so should be fun.
SG, u have been blogged
Still, with two weeks off TAFE, I have a little more than usual.
Quick recap of the last month...
Engagement party was awesome - we had a good night, everyone had fun, and we got riotuosly drunk - and of course, there was the usual ammount - well, possible more that the usual ammount - of casual nudity, flirting and innapropriate conduct. Sadly the partner-swapping part of the evening was cut short due to a condom malfunction.
Fun times were had by all at the first Bushranger Bowl - probably the best first-run tournament I've been to.
Sadly, my grandmother had a fall. She's alright, but will be in the hospital a while, so I've been up to visit her every second day or so, trying to keep her from getting too bored.
Got the new laptops, so I've really gotta start getting on suicide girls more often, and now that I have a computer that can sit by the bed after the kids go down while the missus and I watch TV, that should work out nice. I mean, I read the news articles and hit up the boards and my groups, but I generally only get around to looking at about 1 set of pictures a week....
The birthday weekend for the missus was a huge success, happy to say, with the two of us emerging tired but happy from the weekends festivities.
- Friday night dinner at Hog's Breath and a movie - Crazy, Stupid Love - which was really, surprisingly good. I mean, intellectually speaking, I know Steve Carell is funny, I've seen the 40 y.o. Virgin and all, but I haven't actually found him amusing in quite some time. But this is a romantic comedy that is actually genuinely funny. If you haven't seen it, I recommend doing so.
- Saturday night, live music at Warners Bay Hotel, I headed home early to let our babysitter head off, but the night went well
- Sunday night, the birthday party. Birthday present - two two hour treatements at a new spa place in one of the bigger malls in Newcastle, so she can wither go twice or take a freind - was well receieved. Although I'm still a little in the dark as to what I bought. I mean, okay, massage, check, facial.... well, I get the idea, at least, if not the specifics, but what's an eye treatment entail? and what the fuck is a Salt Glow? Anway, back to the party - costume, movie themed. The missus got an awesome new green and black dress and went as a female version of Venom. I cheaped out, dug out some camo pants, a black muscle top, and a red tie for a bandanna and went as rambo. Horouble mention to my mate J and his girlfriend C, who came as Wayne and Garth from Waynes World, but costume of the night went to H, a friend and the ex of another friend. She's always been the type I've though of as a little sister, despite being about the same age as the missus, and sporting some pretty impressive cleavage. But jesus H christ, the outfit she wore sunday night was nothing short of spectacular - apparently, it was a strawberry shortcake outfit from a sex shop. I shall hereafter refer to her as strawberry shortskirt

Speaking of which, next weekend is shaping up to be a good one; A's birthday party will be in various pubs in Hamilton, the secondary nightspot after Newcastle city itself in town, and will be a scavanger hunt, teams for which have just been posted. We all have team colour flags to wear, and it looks like a good night - my team including B, MJ, myself and some girl I haven't met before. It's a good mix; B is a lot of fun, MJ's a bit nuts, and someone new, so should be fun.
SG, u have been blogged