Blaarg! Its 2:30 in the am, and I'm still awake. Not the best idea; got two kids these days, and the youngest is likely to wake up in an hour or so.
Finally back on SG, so here's a quick summary of life from the last post to this one:
Got used to the idea that the fiancee was never coming back, so lived the blurry lifestyle of the barfly for about 6 months; always out at a party, a pub or a club, many different drinks, quite a few lovely ladies deigned to shower me with affection. All good, but I had a steadfast rule of telling them up front that we could have fun and be friends, but never get into anything serious. I had my daughter every second weekend (officially - usually ended up about 2 out of three) and I never once brought another girl I was sleeping with anywhere near her.
Then, end of Feb 2010, the ex-fiancee came back, and we've been together ever since. Managed to knock her up withing about 2 weeks, so now I have another beautiful little girl, Kaylee.
Life aint always easy, I'm sad to say I'm probably not the devoted father I always hoped I'd be, and the missus does tend to get a little irate that when I'm home (full time job, plus Tafe course, and I still get out and about a little) I tend to spend more time wih the little ones than with her, but hey, nobody is perfect, right?
Also managed to get myself mobile - on my L's on the bike, and scored a bitchin ride. First tattoo only a couple of weeks away. Will post some photo's of life as it is now over the weekend if I can find the time.
Finally back on SG, so here's a quick summary of life from the last post to this one:
Got used to the idea that the fiancee was never coming back, so lived the blurry lifestyle of the barfly for about 6 months; always out at a party, a pub or a club, many different drinks, quite a few lovely ladies deigned to shower me with affection. All good, but I had a steadfast rule of telling them up front that we could have fun and be friends, but never get into anything serious. I had my daughter every second weekend (officially - usually ended up about 2 out of three) and I never once brought another girl I was sleeping with anywhere near her.
Then, end of Feb 2010, the ex-fiancee came back, and we've been together ever since. Managed to knock her up withing about 2 weeks, so now I have another beautiful little girl, Kaylee.
Life aint always easy, I'm sad to say I'm probably not the devoted father I always hoped I'd be, and the missus does tend to get a little irate that when I'm home (full time job, plus Tafe course, and I still get out and about a little) I tend to spend more time wih the little ones than with her, but hey, nobody is perfect, right?
Also managed to get myself mobile - on my L's on the bike, and scored a bitchin ride. First tattoo only a couple of weeks away. Will post some photo's of life as it is now over the weekend if I can find the time.