Been waiting far too long, finally got some new ink 😀
No more demon possession for me
So happy this arrived. Big love to @nayru for helping me... keep track of my appointments. I need to go have a lie down now ;-)
So, I did a thing yesterday...
Been thinking about getting these done for a long time. I have Carpe Diem on my right forearm, and Memento Mori on my left forearm.
Prettymuch everyone knows Carpe Diem is Seize the day. Memento Mori means Remeber you are mortal.
Basically, one is a reminder to live life to it's fullest, the other not to take it too
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Well, I've been dating a new girl for a while now, and we've been having a lot of fun. For Valentine's day, we went to a very interesting party at a friend of hers place... my first fetish play party. Had an absolute blast. I didn't participate a lot, most just watched a few scenes, and we kissed a few of the girls. I got...
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All good. The relationship had been dying on the vine for over a year. I finally manned up and ended it. I was hesitant to do it for a long time; my ex has been entirely dependent on me financially for close to 5 years, and I have depended on her to look after the kids while I work.
However, the kids are fairly independent...
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Been slacking off a bit over christmas period, but still, not too bad.
So, this happened...
So, my bike has been off the road for a few weeks, so today is the first day I've made it to the pool in about a fortnight. I can walk there and back easy enough, but the time factor is the issue, having to catch a bus to work. Still, push ups and crunches every night at home, so at least I'm not going...
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I'm starting to get on in years, and I'm finding it harder and harder to stay in shape. And it's heading into summer time and Christmas time in Australia. Which means at my fun job, things are getting busy, and I'm getting up and dancing in front of bigger crowds. So time to get serious. A friend of mine (a personal trainer) used to get...
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Okay, been a real long time since my last post.
Let me see... this year, my new girlfriend moved in, and the kidlets love her and call her mummy, which is nice (their choice, didn't suggest it.).
She also quit her job as it was too stressful, thus freeing me up to start looking for work again. I've been working as an IT guy for...
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