i can't stop watching "24" i want to be keifer sutherland when i grow up. well that and an astronaut.
why do i get myself in serious relationships when my life is so overbooked that i have a hard time even keeping myself happy most of the time?
my band is slowly recouperating from the loss of a very important member. our singer just stopped showing up in july. didnt tell us anything. he just said "i'm busy right now"
three years in our band and he just tosses it in like that. he's gone through three major car accidents and an incident involving an explosion that put him in the syracuse burn unit for seven weeks. every time something happened, he'd be back with us in the studio, as soon as he could walk. now, he walks out without any explanation. i dont get it.
little known fact, i had never had sex to music until last february.
why do i get myself in serious relationships when my life is so overbooked that i have a hard time even keeping myself happy most of the time?
my band is slowly recouperating from the loss of a very important member. our singer just stopped showing up in july. didnt tell us anything. he just said "i'm busy right now"
three years in our band and he just tosses it in like that. he's gone through three major car accidents and an incident involving an explosion that put him in the syracuse burn unit for seven weeks. every time something happened, he'd be back with us in the studio, as soon as he could walk. now, he walks out without any explanation. i dont get it.
little known fact, i had never had sex to music until last february.
which always winds up being completely sadoomasochistic once i make asshole the very next round :]