my car shit the bed, so i've been living on the floor of my studio in the city and walking to work and school.
i hate not being mobile.
my friend andy impaled his hand with a pocketknife the other day and i had to drive him to the ER. blood squirted everywhere, but we were making jokes the whole time.
"joyus occasion girl" has a live in boyfriend. i found that out while getting a ride home from school the other day.
fuckin A , college is hard.
i hate not being mobile.
my friend andy impaled his hand with a pocketknife the other day and i had to drive him to the ER. blood squirted everywhere, but we were making jokes the whole time.
"joyus occasion girl" has a live in boyfriend. i found that out while getting a ride home from school the other day.

fuckin A , college is hard.
i was immobile
having to depend on people with cars
to drive me every where
now i take a bus or train everywhere
and i miss my car.
forget the environment, i get bus sick