probably going gray soon. this is temporary.
[edit. it's only until my housemate gets home from brooklyn, so i can use her credit card to renew.]
thinking about going up to montreal for the evening. if i do, i'll be riding in style, as i'm babysitting my parent's kick ass town car. that's reason enough for a road trip
on my way. the most wonderful thing is that i can SMOKE IN BARS!!! WOOOT
i love the fact that every holiday inn has unsecured wifi. if i want to check my mail, i can. anytime i see that sign. hehe... survival skills in the new digital wilderness.
[edit. it's only until my housemate gets home from brooklyn, so i can use her credit card to renew.]
thinking about going up to montreal for the evening. if i do, i'll be riding in style, as i'm babysitting my parent's kick ass town car. that's reason enough for a road trip
on my way. the most wonderful thing is that i can SMOKE IN BARS!!! WOOOT
i love the fact that every holiday inn has unsecured wifi. if i want to check my mail, i can. anytime i see that sign. hehe... survival skills in the new digital wilderness.
adangerousthing is me.
you can smoke in my state...