PAX officially starts today. Can't wait to get down to Seattle and decend upon the nerd masses. I hope I get a ton of awesome free shit!
While I don't really have any friends right now I guess I should make an effort by posting a new blog. I just read how Sony is planning on releasing a 2 new PS3 models a 160 GB to replace the 120 GB version and a 350 GB version which will come out with Move as a pack in and the Sports Champions game for...
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This is my first blog in years. I got 3 months gifted to me from some stranger... probably the site. I may not be back after this. I have mixed feelings about this site. I figured I'd write something on here though. It is amazing how much has changed in my life since I was last on here. I now have a 2 year old...
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So much to do and so little time. I work full time. Go to school full time, am married. I am a video gamer and like anime and stuff like that. I have a long list of things I need to accomplish... many games I've bought that I really need to play before buying more. I have books I want to read, movies to watch,...
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Well here is to hoping that things work out for me. I'm at the start of a very long road. I don't know what is going to happen and I wonder if I should even take it. It is hard to know what to believe anymore. I don't want to get hurt anymore. I wish I could just know instead of it being left up...
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You need to write more blogs you douche.
First you take a run at La Fours with a sock full of quarters. I'd do it, but I pulled my back at humping your mom last night. Newtch.
If there was no VD to think of... Just being out somewhere and a girl comes up to me and asks where I'm going. I say I'm just walking around and she asks if I could come with her. She is really cute so I go because she seems really interested in me. She leads me to some secluded corner of wherever but still in...
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You're filthy.
dude if you keep fantasizing during class, the only video game you'll be able to make is..

noel says hello.... well.... sort of....
Weird. This is my first blog. I think I just figured out what I was doing wrong all this time. At least I think I did. Um well we'll have to see. Took me like forever. Ugh. Finally!!!