Well today I have to go in for a wisdom tooth extraction consult. My two top ones have fully grown in and my bottom left is just starting to. The top ones came in fine, but this one seems to feel like it's partially under my molar so it hurts real bad. I'm hoping it's not because I just want to get the top left one taken out so I can stop biting my cheek every time I eat. I don't have any insurance to cover this so it just may be a bit of a pain in my ass.
Ah well, you do what ya gotta do.
I also call to get my schedule today. I start work next week and after having some time sitting on my ass and worrying about what tomorrow may or may not bring I am so fucking excited! I like working, I am one of those rare people that do. Mainly because it keeps me busy and I like being surrounded by people. Now the reason I didn't settle for just any job was because I wanted one that I could see a future with. I don't just want a job, I want a career. I am only 21 and I figure if I am going to have any success in my adulthood I may as well start now.

Ah well, you do what ya gotta do.

I also call to get my schedule today. I start work next week and after having some time sitting on my ass and worrying about what tomorrow may or may not bring I am so fucking excited! I like working, I am one of those rare people that do. Mainly because it keeps me busy and I like being surrounded by people. Now the reason I didn't settle for just any job was because I wanted one that I could see a future with. I don't just want a job, I want a career. I am only 21 and I figure if I am going to have any success in my adulthood I may as well start now.
haha! a car-salesman-like dentist, sounds good! I can't believe you would get your wisdom teeth pulled without being knocked out! haha I would be too much of a pussy to do that!
Good luck with the new job
What are you going to be doing?