Today we have the beautiful @sexiijess and @ktstrange 😍
Two of @jadestone ’s recruits and very lovely ladies in deed 🥵 and @jadestone is pretty damn hot too (I just had to throw that in there 🥰)
Go give these beautiful girls some love 💕
Next is the sexy @ashmariemay and @belladonna
@ashmariemay is another one of @jadestone ’s recruits and a very gorgeous lady especially with her always 80s theme looks that drives you thirsty 🥵
@belladonna is super cute and has some absolutely beautiful sets that makes you take a second, third, fourth and fifth looks because she’s truly gorgeous 😍
And finally for today are the two lovely @honeyhotfoxy and @janie 🥵
Very very beautiful girls and with the sexy sets to match ❤️. I highly recommend y’all go love these ladies and help them all turn pink 💕
@penny @vaega @kyrie @cherie