1. Favorite fictional villainess? Tell us about her.
Rita Repulsa from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers cause even though most of her plans failed at destroying the Power Rangers, they were mostly good ones and she gave Tommy the Green Ranger powers
2. What food/drink do you prefer for movie night at the theatre? Do you share?
Reese Cups cause they are AMAZINNG And only share with special people
3. Favorite fight (of any type) in any cinematic (not animated) Star Wars movie or series?
Daryh Maul vs Obi Wan and Qui Gon cause to me that was just and epic battle and Darth Maul was a total badass
4. What song were you addicted to as a kid?
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell cause that intro is too good and Dimebag nailed it
5. Favorite hand-held weapon/item in a First Person Shooter (FPS) type of game? Why?
The BFG 9000 from the Doom games cause holy demon guts everywhere when this thing is fired
6. Where do you enjoy reading (coffee shop, bed, kitchen table, etc.)?
At home in front of the fireplace
7. Board game that you always play when gathered with your friends/family. Describe it?
Risk but more specifically Star Wars Risk
8. Saddest moment in an anime.
Ok I’m drawing a blank for this one lol…. Next question 🤣🤣🤣
9. Your favorite Mortal Kombat Character and why?
Ok if y’all don’t know this then we can’t be friends…. Nah just kidding. It’s my homie Scorpion cause he’s just a badass ninja that comes back as a specter to seek revenge on the death of his family and ninja clan, also cause he has some sic ass moves
10. A scene in a horror movie that made you laugh.
GARBAGE DAY!! From Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 🤣🤣🤣 it’s such bad acting and that quote came way out of left field and he shoots a guy for just taking out the garbage
Thanks to my good friend @jjtjames5x for tagging me, this was a lot of fun 🤘🏻🤘🏻. And now I’d like to tag these sexy folks
@shenzy @rare @nannakya @rhoxieredd @vivianbliss @lunalafaye @we_attack_at_dawn @jhosi @jadestone @ksew @olgakulaga @elune @wolfmantyron @ktstrange @rainedemure @starry @marilol @autumn @aurora_kijin @allouraborealis @alexx37