No body tagged me, but I saw a few others doing this and I wanted to give it a shot.
Tattoos........................ 1 (A burning skull with faces in the flames on my left arm)
Piercings..................... 1 (Ring in left ear)
Marriages.................... No, but I’ve had girlfriends in the past.
Divorces...................... 0 (never married)
Proposals.................... 1 (didn’t work out)
Children....................... 0
Surgeries..................... 1 When I was shot, the doctors had to remove bullet fragments from my head except for one that was too risky to remove.
Shot a gun................... I used to go shooting all the time.
Quit a job..................... I’ve only quit 2 jobs in the past. 1 time I had no choice, I moved from Ohio to South Carolina back in 2007.
100+miles in a car...... I never drove that far, but I’ve road with family and a friend that far before.
Hit a deer.................... No
zip lining...................... No but I really want to.
Cried over someone.... Yes
Fallen in love............... Yes
Watched someone give birth...No
Watched someone die..... Yes and it was the worst thing I’ve ever witnessed and this is the first time I’ve said anything about it.
Been to Canada......... No, but it’s on my bucket list.
Ridden in an ambulance..... Yes a few times but the one time was because I was shot in the head and almost died back in December 5, 2003
Visited Las Vegas...... I want to some day
Sang karaoke............. Yes and I sound like I’m impersonating a horny cat 🤣🤣🤣
Been downhill skiing....... No
Ridden on a motorcycle... Yes
Ridden on a horse....... No
Stayed in a hospital..... Yes
Donated blood............. No unfortunately I’m not allowed medically because I still have a bullet fragment stuck in my C-1 vertebrae and since the bullet fragment is made of lead, I can’t donate blood.
Ridden in the back of a police car..... never ridden in the back of a police car, but I’ve had to sit in one before (long story 😅)
This was fun.