I need a to buy a car soon, this whole not having one is really starting to suck. Unfortunetly I need to wait till after the holidays and after I get some more time in at this job before I can even think about it. I really want to get a car that I like, but sadly I think I'm going to have to settle for another one that I can afford only. Also, I want to get another tattoo but I dont have any ideas really. The only idea I have is to add a dreamcatcher around the wolf head on my back. Pretty ordinary.
Well next week is my last week of school, FOREVER!!!!... well maybe not forever but certainly for now. Hopefully by the spring I will have a car and money so I can head out west to find a job because nothing is happening here in Michigan. So if anyone wants to be good friends so I can have a place to stay temporaly just let me know, LOL
Well next week is my last week of school, FOREVER!!!!... well maybe not forever but certainly for now. Hopefully by the spring I will have a car and money so I can head out west to find a job because nothing is happening here in Michigan. So if anyone wants to be good friends so I can have a place to stay temporaly just let me know, LOL