I'm tired...did absolutely nothing today, and it was great. Although, I'm recovering from a cold. I hate being sick in the middle of summer.
Have any of you seen the new show Rescue Me, with Dennis Leary? It's a great show! I really like it. I think it's going to be a really interesting, and original sitcom. I like Nip/Tuck, too. Now that's some scary shit!!! I cringe when I see the previews for that show. But I love every second of it. Haven't watched it for a while, though, but it's a good one, too.
'Night kids, and kisses to you all
P.S.- 4 days, Roxy. 4 days, Vikprez. SGSeattle won't be the same without you guys.
I'm tired...did absolutely nothing today, and it was great. Although, I'm recovering from a cold. I hate being sick in the middle of summer.
Have any of you seen the new show Rescue Me, with Dennis Leary? It's a great show! I really like it. I think it's going to be a really interesting, and original sitcom. I like Nip/Tuck, too. Now that's some scary shit!!! I cringe when I see the previews for that show. But I love every second of it. Haven't watched it for a while, though, but it's a good one, too.
'Night kids, and kisses to you all
P.S.- 4 days, Roxy. 4 days, Vikprez. SGSeattle won't be the same without you guys.
I love doing nothing...You said you work till 7 tomarrow right?
" *Blech* " That was so hot.. *droools*