Somebody shoot me and put me out of my misery! I hate school! I'm almost done, though, so it's all good.
I'm trying to think of new forms of procrastination...I might go to the driving range and hit a bucket of balls....that could kill an hour with the way I play golf.
Or I could go to Starbucks, and sip my coffee ever so slowly....mmmm, Starbucks. Ooooh, ooooh, I know!
"I wanna go to the zoo!"
Have a great day kids. Wish I could join you all in the sun today, but I'm gonna be working on my paper until I die.
Oh, and I wanted to say sorry to all of the SG Seattle folks for lastnight. I couldn't make Karaoke because I didn't get off work until nearly 11pm, and it really wasn't worth it to drive down to Seatle for an hour of drinks before last, next week, I promise.
Oh, and by the way...back by popular demand are some pics from my camera phone.
Have fun, kiddies.
I'm trying to think of new forms of procrastination...I might go to the driving range and hit a bucket of balls....that could kill an hour with the way I play golf.

"I wanna go to the zoo!"

Have a great day kids. Wish I could join you all in the sun today, but I'm gonna be working on my paper until I die.

Oh, and by the way...back by popular demand are some pics from my camera phone.


yeah i am a leo! whatcha gonna doboutit? i iz gots your numba...bringiton! heh heh...yeah we are damn cute together aren't we. just imagine what we haven't told! like the reason my ears are still ringing...

rawr! when's school gonna be finished for ya? here's hoping it's soon so you can get outside & enjoy the great outdoors.