Wednesday May 26, 2004 May 25, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email *yawn* Karaoke with SGSeattle. Beeeeeer. VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS redheaddevil: Hey there Thanks for the nice words! I am an optomist, and would really, really like to think he's out there somewhere, but I get SO IMPATIENT!!! That probably just means I have a few more lessons to learn before I meet him. Nice to meet you ! May 26, 2004 redheaddevil: Screw that "patience is a virtue" thing. Life is too short! May 26, 2004
Thanks for the nice words! I am an optomist, and would really, really like to think he's out there somewhere, but I get SO IMPATIENT!!! That probably just means I have a few more lessons to learn before I meet him.
Nice to meet you