iam a rebel against society idont fit in anymore and dont want to be
so indigestible that society can no longer absorb me
on the margins iam not afraid to exist in liminal worlds
icannot define myself ihave no boundaries idont exist in the usual sense
iam not on the fence, im just hard to pin down
forced into this position forced to flee
forced to scramble in the hinterland forced to be free
isurrender to this force flex and bend
so the original me never breaks snaps back into place pliably
iam not my gonads iam not my hormone chemistry
iam not my genes iam not my history iam something more than all that together
iam my mind my soul my body and my mind my soul reaches beyond this body
iam not this body iam notthis body iamnotthisbody
my mind touches that which touches the whole universe therefore iam
this whole universe and iam this body and this universe
there is no division cell to cell atom to atom electron to eletron
there is no division so iam whatever iwant to be ican appear in any form
and ichoose this form today
iam the masculine girl iam the female guy iam masculinity
iam bobbysue iam billyjo
dragking dragging this identity
watch me appear watch me disappear watch me
fool though iam ioutsmart you ihave beat this whole fucking system
ihave made it and you cant touch me
blending in for the time being so that you dont notice me
Stevie B's Very Small World
iam a rebel against society idont fit in anymore and dont want to be
so indigestible that society can no longer absorb me
on the margins iam not afraid to exist in liminal worlds
icannot define myself ihave no boundaries idont exist in the usual sense
iam not on the fence, im just hard to pin down
forced into this position forced to flee
forced to scramble in the hinterland forced to be free
isurrender to this force flex and bend
so the original me never breaks snaps back into place pliably
iam not my gonads iam not my hormone chemistry
iam not my genes iam not my history iam something more than all that together
iam my mind my soul my body and my mind my soul reaches beyond this body
iam not this body iam notthis body iamnotthisbody
my mind touches that which touches the whole universe therefore iam
this whole universe and iam this body and this universe
there is no division cell to cell atom to atom electron to eletron
there is no division so iam whatever iwant to be ican appear in any form
and ichoose this form today
iam the masculine girl iam the female guy iam masculinity
iam bobbysue iam billyjo
dragking dragging this identity
watch me appear watch me disappear watch me
fool though iam ioutsmart you ihave beat this whole fucking system
ihave made it and you cant touch me
blending in for the time being so that you dont notice me
Stevie B's Very Small World
cool scooter
cool scooter