I think the cubicle I work in(temp job) works as an amplifier for my paranoia. It may also be that I really have no idea what the hell I am doing. But I am paranoid to begin with, I cant sit still in that place for eight hours thinking about all the people that may be talking about the mistakes Im making. I really think...
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By the way, Wentling is the coolest fucking name ever!!

I love Captain planet. I'm a firm believer that every environmentalist/activist around my age has had Captain Planet in a big part of their childhood. The song is catchy, but I don't usually get it stuck in my head. Though now, thanks to your journal comment on paranoia I've got Jim's Big Ego stuck in my head....*singing* Every'bodys out to get me but I feel alright....
I am somewhat anti-social, and very self conscious, I found the best time to run for a person like myself, 2 AM. It gives you a lot of quiet and time to think, and being that I run on front street it is pretty well lit so it doesnt creep me out that much.

There is a person that rides his bike in the opposite...
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I dont know what made today different from any other work day but it was friggin murder. I swear I will slap the first person that says "sounds like a case of the mundays".

There is a tree outside of my house which has been there since before I was born, it stopped producing cherries a long time ago, but still grows. It has one...
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Sleep is for the weak
I dont know what to say. Bankers club vodka is one of my bust buddies. It tastes like shit but for eleven bucks a gallon people have no right to complain. Fun time last night, even though it was basically me and some friends getting drunk and playing Warioware. crazy fun happy time
Are you kidding me? Halliburton has its own army. known as a...
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any word on a DVD?
I do agree, love is a fallicy. And cheap vodka does help.
I dont know what to say. Bankers club vodka is one of my bust buddies. It tastes like shit but for eleven bucks a gallon people have no right to complain. Fun time last night, even though it was basically me and some friends getting drunk and playing Warioware. crazy fun happy time
There is no way I could hate my family any more. There is eleven in it total, and I hate every fucking one. This is not some silly they dont understand me thing. They are all just horrible people, they stab you in the back any chance you get and when you try to talk to them they only act sincere so they can use...
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I cant fucking wait to get back to school.
hahahhaaa.. yeah that was a great episode.

i have a group about sketch comedy in my groups.. check it out!
I think I will stick with the Xanga most likely. Really I cant afford to pay for a blog and I dont really like them much to begin with. thats my confession, you learned your lesson, stop me before I do it agaiin. That doesnt really apply here that well but man did it just pop into my head like gangbusters...who often pop into my...
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The whole idea of a "punk scene" seems pretty counter intuitive to me. The idea that there is a clique of people who claim to be non conformists is outright silly. and even big debates about who is more "punk" or what not annoys the hell out of me. Why cant people just accept that everyone has their own thoughts on everything and whether or...
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I just watched Office Space again, i seem to do that a lot. I also seem to say that a lot. I think I am watching it a lot lately because my current job reminds me of it a great deal. I work 2nd shift at EDS doing data entry type bullcrap. Honestly, its not that bad i get paid ten bucks an hour to...
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Trapped in a spinning torrent of falsehood. Round and round it goes where the lies stop nobody knows. When the only person you know to be true is yourself, its about time to leave it alone and get the hell out of town.
Jebus, that could not sound any more trite. But these are what i have resorted to after years of dealing with all the bullshit that leads me to where I am now