I skiopped out of work early today,because things were slow.Gonna take the kids to a movie..probably "Land of the Dead"...I should be at work because we need the money.but I hate it there !
I'm looking to get myself into a tattoo shop around here before the end of the summer,my friend said he wouls take me,but he just has no room for one more guy right now....I went into a shop yesterday to talk to the owner.she didn't even want to talk to me.
I'm finding that not all,but alot of tattooists want nothing to do with helping a new guy out.....It's as if they are afraid you are trying to steal thier job or something....or it's an elite club..WTF.
I guess they forget that they had to start out somewhere,and someone helped them out at the begining.
Oh well....I'll keep plugging,and I'll get into a shop sooner or later....I know I can be good and I know I will be alot better than many out there right now.
This is a painting by Walter Sickert...he was a suspect in the Jack the Ripper crimes........mmmmmmm
I'm driving around in the rain with my roof off today
I'm looking to get myself into a tattoo shop around here before the end of the summer,my friend said he wouls take me,but he just has no room for one more guy right now....I went into a shop yesterday to talk to the owner.she didn't even want to talk to me.
I'm finding that not all,but alot of tattooists want nothing to do with helping a new guy out.....It's as if they are afraid you are trying to steal thier job or something....or it's an elite club..WTF.
I guess they forget that they had to start out somewhere,and someone helped them out at the begining.
Oh well....I'll keep plugging,and I'll get into a shop sooner or later....I know I can be good and I know I will be alot better than many out there right now.
This is a painting by Walter Sickert...he was a suspect in the Jack the Ripper crimes........mmmmmmm

I'm driving around in the rain with my roof off today

It's a pic I found last night of a Fruit and Date Stand in California (near Indio) called Valerie Jean's Date Stand... That's where my parents got my first and middle name... and also why I go by missdates everywhere. I was named after a date stand!!!! Embarassing at one time, but now kind of endearing.
Hang in there! I predict greatness!!!!
When I began apprenticing for piercing back in '91 (Oooooh...sooo long ago! ) I had to make cocks outta boneless chicken to do practice PA's, Apadravya's...etc...The 'hard' ones..(No pun intended as they actually are easier to pierce if they ARE hard!)
Anyhow...Back then...it was pretty easy to get an apprenticing Job in a tattoo parlor...But that was 15 years ago!!!
Even when I worked as head piercer here in Vancouver at one of the finest Bod-Mod places...they brought tattooing in...and the more popular it got...like piercing...you got the same thing...More people who wanted to pierce or tattoo...and now, that good tattoo artists are just THAT (as it should be...Thank Dog!) Artists...and by the work I have seen, and have been seen in (
I wish you luck....I really do...and be sure...that IF for some reason or another...I end up round your area?
You have a piece of my flesh reserved...
Slay ya Later...and Kill whatever pisses you off...(Unless it is an animal...)
[Edited on Jul 09, 2005 10:34AM]