WOW It's beautiful outside today,the sunshine should dry up all the mud out there in the yard,from the days of rain we've had.
I spent my morning tattooing grapefruits,I did an Indian portrait that came out awesome,I think it was the best thing I've done yet,and I was pretty proud of myself.So I washed it up with soap and water to get a nice pic of it done,but I guess the grapefruit absorbed the water,and it made the ink spread under the skin,all the shading that I did darked up,and really made a mess of it.I'm bummed because it came out so good,I was dying to show it off...I will be tattooing something small on my leg pretty soon under the supervision of a professional tattooist,and then I'm gonna try to line up some people for free tattoos,with the understanding that I'm new at it........I'm on my way
I ammm insanely serious. I havn't seen it.. umm how scary would that be
I walked in there the other day and almost lost consciousness, it was like walking into a black hole, or is someone walked throu me?? I have an old photo in my journal of orbs in my room.. its very active in there, and im not so welcome it feels anymore.
Yeah, the Friendly's is still intact. That whole street had a facelift recently, but that parking lot is still there. Kick ass artwork btw.