I think a large part of that is having changed jobs, so now I build things not with a computer and paperwork, but with my own hands. I get to walk outside and put my face under the sun whenever I want. I feel that I accomplish something every day.
I am, by nature, more of a loner than not. Thus,... Read More
For the most part, this makes me really happy to read. I like these times when you get your head straightened out -- there's a lot of good stuff up there.
Those three areas are real doozeys, unfortunately, but at least you have the perspective to know that a.] they're not forever things, and b.] they're not killers. And c.] that they're only three, and not three million, despite sometimes feeling that way .. also key.
When a friend leaves for some far point on a map, I feel like my world dims by the amount which they have been important to me. Chrysis soon (or, already?) embarks on the next leg of her hopefully successful and finally happy life. While it seems a huge source of light for the last several years is dimming very low, I must report that... Read More
I want to create
I want to destroy
I want to move in the background
I want to matter
I want faith to save me
I want truth to find me
I want love to fill me
I want will to move me
I want you to know me
I want to help
I want to laugh
I want to cry
I want to sigh... Read More
You know, driving home from work last night it -actually- occurred to me that .. that little book full of addresses in "other states" is going to be full of Ohio addresses. Which are going to = "address in other states." That I'm going to be doing all of the old things toward. The cards or cookies or other such nonsense.
Some nights I can't sleep. Thankfully, this is now more the exception than the rule.
Last night, after all the lights were out, and all the cars were parked and the voices quiet, I went for a walk around my new neighborhood for the first time. I like walking at night. As much as I love the light, I feel more comfortable and confident at... Read More
This is quite visual and interesting. I used to enjoy walking late at night myself, Can't say as I do it any more though. My neighborhood has changed. Less trusting, People don't know each other, nor do they seem to want to,
Of the few things I like to check up on regularly on the internet there are two in particular that I follow because they often strike a personal chord.
Here are some I've saved periodically over the last few years (-that long now?).
So am I. If you can, show me if there's a way to upload multiple images. I'm not doing 17748493 one at a time, and I haven't searched around for the details.
a.] You have to respond on my blog or I'll never see it and never know to respond back. ;] Plus later, with more people, it would just become a mess.
b.] Yes, it's one at a time. It really becomes less tedious but maybe I'm just used to it from Livejournal days, or the days before FB's multi-uploader, etc.
There is what I want
And there is what I am
And all the things I say and do
Are faking me and shaking you
Is this who I am
Or only [try/fail/wish] to be?
Just a shrug, a sigh, a 'Wonder why'?
A punchline no-one's laughing to?
Say 'Hold on' all I want
Nothing's holding... Read More