Life fucking sucks. We got the call today that my car was done at the clutch shop. Then on the way home, the clutch went out on HIS car. So now we have one car again. For who knows how long. I wanna go back to bed and try over.
thats bad news on the car frown bad luck allways seems to follow one after each other hope you get it sorted asap smile
Got a haircut! Now all I need is new color and that's $45 I don't have right now. Maybe next month. I think I am going to talk to my boss tomorrow about my nose piercing. The plastic retainer irritates my nasal cavity and the retainer is too long. Suggestions anyone?

Another weekend of relaxing boredom around the house. At least the weather was good.
So, I've applied to three private groups. Not only am I a "big girl" (at 5'3'" and 175#), I suffer from bipolar disorder and I am a motherless daughter. So I thought maybe online communities could help me with some healing I need to do. We'll see. Not to mention I'd like the social contact.
Ended my fourth day at work today. It's been pretty uneventful. I *think* my co-workers might not care if I have a nose piercing. Otherwise I am thinking of letting it heal over. Thoughts? I currently have none. Its a hard call. I've already let my navel piercing go since it was getting infected too often. Ramble ramble. Nothing much to say.
I start my new job Monday. Woot! It'll be so nice to get out of the house. Only bummer is I need to wear a clear retainer for my nose piercing. I'll have to wait and see what the office is like before I spring something like that on my new co-workers. All women.... tough crowd.

Well after almost three months of being unemployed I got a job! Keep in mind it's only part time, and I am totally cool with that for now. I also got the tip that the application I put in at my local bookstore is "ear-marked" for potential hire. YEAH! I can totally work two part time jobs and still remain sane. Plus the discount at...
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Went to this trendy bar the other day, Raoul's Velvet Room, and it sucked! The waitress was a prig and the drinks were way overpriced. Next girl's night out, I want to avoid the cliche trendy, "swanky" places.
raoul's isn't a bar.
a bar is where you go to get drunk.
raoul's is a place to spend large sums of money to try and impress vapid people who are spending large sums of money that their daddy earned.
and that's all i got to say 'bout that.
Boy, you hit the nail on the head! smile
We are married, we have moved and I am still dying to get out socially. SOAD is coming into town and I can't go!! Any wanna take sympathy on a poor girl? kiss
Less then two months to go for the wedding and I got my little red wedding dress today. Gotta love 1/2 off sales! We got our rings Monday and I still need to think/prepare about flowers. LMAO What a total bore I am. Oh well, off to look at more pics of hot chicks! miao!!
I'm baaaack! So after a brief hiatus, I have returned to SG. Engaged to be married now! Getting hitched on 6-6-6. Tee-hee... love
very cool