Time goes by like a buzz in my ear, a mosquito that aches to get close enough to suck the life out of me.
As much as I swat it away, again and again the buzz comes back.
I try to forget and just get on with it. Ignore the ticking of the clock that seems to render everything and anything worth doing... well, worthless....
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He rode into town on a staggering horse, blind with thirst and the realization of all dreams lost. The horse posessed this realization, he was too stupid to ever have figured that one out.

And life goes on...

If you don't enjoy what you have, how could you be happier with more?
Ok this whole Winter thing is getting to be quite enough...
No more waiting.

It's cold as hell out.

Nine days.

Tell me if it was worth it.

At a later date.

Happiness is not something you experience,
it's something you remember.
So far it appears that once again I have managed to pick one of the top five shittiest weeks of the year to take some time off from work. I know, I know. It is October in Minnesota and, what the hell did I expect? The chill in the air is fine, better than fine actually. I love this time of year when the heat...
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Money may not be able to buy happiness but it sure comes in handy for revenge.