Update-free Update!!!

Too many things to do.
Too many things left undone.
Washed my car yesterday
and there goes the sun...

Run, Run, run.
It could have been a lot worse.
It couldn't have been any better.

Finally, finally got almost a whole weekend off. I'm supposed to have Fridays off too but what the hell, a two day weekend and some overtime on the paycheck I will gladly take.

I stayed up too late last night, revelling in the fact that I would be able to sleep in this morning. Not that keeping my eyes open until the wee hours did...
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How is it that even the most boring of days can wear me out?

I know that feeling.
I know, I know.

I promised myself some time ago that I would stop talking about work on my blog. About how it was boring and that there really is nothing of interest in hearing someone complain about stuff like that. Not that I'm really complaining, or about to complain, really. It's just that lately it's pretty much all I've been doing.

Meanwhile, the pain...
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Whatever you are doing five minutes from now already doesn't matter.
It's days like today That I wish I had delusions of grandeur.
I keep forgetting that the trick is the more interested you are, the less you must act so.

Pretty fucking stupid but that's how it always seems to pan out.
For some time now there's been a jar in my 'fridge with one pickle left in it -a hot pickle no less, that I can't bring myself to finish off.

For some reason, I just don't like the looks of it.
I don't think being eaten appeals.

It wouldn't to me.

Wait, let me think about that.