And for Monday? Integrity:
"Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful.
Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)"
Your favorite:
1. Gum: Nicorette
2. Restaurant: Max's Beefy Burgers in Anchorage, AK
3. Drink: Coffee now that I don't drink
4. Season: Winter
5. Type of weather: Snow
6. Emotion: glee
7. Thing to do on a half day: something creative on the computer
8. Late-night activity: sex
9. Sport: brawling/just plain old ass kicking
10. City: Tacoma
11. Store: ebay?
_______What was the last_______
21. Word you said: "God I hate Washington chics"
22. Thing you ate: low cal bagel (130 calories baby)
23. Song you listened to: "This is a lie" - The Cure
24. Thing you drank: coffee
25. Place you went to: work
26. Movie you saw: US Marshals
27. Movie you rented: Shark Tale
55. Im feeling: bored/horney
56. Im listening to: X-File on streaming TV
57. Im doing: this survey
58. Im talking to: no-one
59. Im craving: positive attention
60. Im thinking of: music
61. Im hating: my ex's
62. Love is: relative....
63. My first love: was fat and stupid (I was 12)
64. My current love: is non-existant
65. Love or lust: well, you can't have a relationship based on lust....
66. Best love song: "I've got you under my skin" - Sinatra
67. Is it possible to be in love with more than one person at the same time: I would assume, but I believe it would devalue one or the other
68. When love hurts: it's typical
69. Is there such thing as love at first sight?: sure! but no one has the balls to say anything
_______Opposite sex_______
70. Turn ons: tall chics, nice teeth, and clear speech
71. Turn offs: hippys
72. Do your parent's opinion on your girlfriend/boyfriend matter to you?: my mom hates skanks....but I seem to attact retards like that
73. What kind of hairstyle are you into?: whatever, as long as it suits them
74. What is the sweetest thing a girl/guy can do for you?: not be selfish and know how to treat someone who cares for them
75. Where do you go to meet new people?: the bedroom6. Are you the type of person to "HOLLa" and ask for numbers?: I will never "holla" but I will ask for numbers if I feel the need...
_______Picky picky _______
77. Dog or cat: snake
78. Short or long hair: shaved
79. Sunshine or rain: rain
80. Hugs or kisses: licks and sucking
81. Summer or winter: winter
82. Written letters or e-mails: face to face
83. Playstation or Nintendo: Nintendo, 8-bit
84. Car or motorcycle: both
85. House party or club: patry's suck
86. Sing or dance: sing
87. Freak or slow dance: slow dance
88. How are you today?: tired
89. What pants are you wearing right now?: dress pants (at work)
90. What shirt are you wearing right now?: Grey button down
91. What does your hair look like at the moment?: shaved
92. What song are you listening to right now?: these are getting redundant
93. How is the weather right now?: grey and moist
94. Who was last person I talked to on the phone?: Boss
95. Last dream?: I did oral surgery on myself....
"Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful.
Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)"
Your favorite:
1. Gum: Nicorette
2. Restaurant: Max's Beefy Burgers in Anchorage, AK
3. Drink: Coffee now that I don't drink
4. Season: Winter
5. Type of weather: Snow
6. Emotion: glee
7. Thing to do on a half day: something creative on the computer
8. Late-night activity: sex
9. Sport: brawling/just plain old ass kicking
10. City: Tacoma
11. Store: ebay?
_______What was the last_______
21. Word you said: "God I hate Washington chics"
22. Thing you ate: low cal bagel (130 calories baby)
23. Song you listened to: "This is a lie" - The Cure
24. Thing you drank: coffee
25. Place you went to: work
26. Movie you saw: US Marshals
27. Movie you rented: Shark Tale
55. Im feeling: bored/horney
56. Im listening to: X-File on streaming TV
57. Im doing: this survey
58. Im talking to: no-one
59. Im craving: positive attention
60. Im thinking of: music
61. Im hating: my ex's
62. Love is: relative....
63. My first love: was fat and stupid (I was 12)
64. My current love: is non-existant
65. Love or lust: well, you can't have a relationship based on lust....
66. Best love song: "I've got you under my skin" - Sinatra
67. Is it possible to be in love with more than one person at the same time: I would assume, but I believe it would devalue one or the other
68. When love hurts: it's typical
69. Is there such thing as love at first sight?: sure! but no one has the balls to say anything
_______Opposite sex_______
70. Turn ons: tall chics, nice teeth, and clear speech
71. Turn offs: hippys
72. Do your parent's opinion on your girlfriend/boyfriend matter to you?: my mom hates skanks....but I seem to attact retards like that
73. What kind of hairstyle are you into?: whatever, as long as it suits them
74. What is the sweetest thing a girl/guy can do for you?: not be selfish and know how to treat someone who cares for them
75. Where do you go to meet new people?: the bedroom6. Are you the type of person to "HOLLa" and ask for numbers?: I will never "holla" but I will ask for numbers if I feel the need...
_______Picky picky _______
77. Dog or cat: snake
78. Short or long hair: shaved
79. Sunshine or rain: rain
80. Hugs or kisses: licks and sucking
81. Summer or winter: winter
82. Written letters or e-mails: face to face
83. Playstation or Nintendo: Nintendo, 8-bit
84. Car or motorcycle: both
85. House party or club: patry's suck
86. Sing or dance: sing
87. Freak or slow dance: slow dance
88. How are you today?: tired
89. What pants are you wearing right now?: dress pants (at work)
90. What shirt are you wearing right now?: Grey button down
91. What does your hair look like at the moment?: shaved
92. What song are you listening to right now?: these are getting redundant
93. How is the weather right now?: grey and moist
94. Who was last person I talked to on the phone?: Boss
95. Last dream?: I did oral surgery on myself....
mmmmmmmm the show was awesome!! mmmm corey...i;ll probably make a journal entry about it later!! hehe mmmmmmm corey

no my friend, you kick ass