Its been too long.
So much has happened since Feburary. I am still living and working in ChCh, I love it here so much. Though I cannot get to grips with it being so cold in July.
i will do a proper blog soon, I just dont want o see that other one anymore, since then Ive changed house, jobs, been "married", and half way around the world and back. A major photo unload is due.
But I need a new adventure, any suggestions?
So much has happened since Feburary. I am still living and working in ChCh, I love it here so much. Though I cannot get to grips with it being so cold in July.
i will do a proper blog soon, I just dont want o see that other one anymore, since then Ive changed house, jobs, been "married", and half way around the world and back. A major photo unload is due.
But I need a new adventure, any suggestions?

That's great that your still loving living in after all that's happened there ! As for a new adventure, there's all of Australia you could visit