so today i got offically made insurance champion at work, and i got my nipple pierced-that sums up my life so well right now. everything seems to revolve around work at the moment, which i never wanted, especially not in a job like this, therefore i try for ways to cling onto who i really am. painting, or witing would probably be less painful... it was totally worth it though, it looks gorgeous, i just want to look at it all day, but my job maintains a strict "no tits" policy, you see what im up against everyday?! its so unfair...
the pain was pretty intense but not half as bad as i imagined, and anyone who has theirs done knows the rush of it is just incredible.
going for dinner now with a friend i havent seen in a while, going to a lovely little french place, not the most accesable place for a veggie but what can i say im a sucker for french red wine

going for dinner now with a friend i havent seen in a while, going to a lovely little french place, not the most accesable place for a veggie but what can i say im a sucker for french red wine