So it's been some time since I've posted. I've been ridiculous with keeping up with this. Life seems to get too busy sometimes and then again there are days when I'm so bored and want something to do and yet I don't come on here. Sigh.
So A lot has happened since my last post. Work has been going well. I put a charm on my boss so that he'd be nice to me. Apparently his version of being nice means saying no more than hello once a week. That works for me
I've also more or less got a handle on my depression. How you ask? Well I'll tell you. It's not drugs or psychological therapy. Give up? It's crystals. Yup. Crystals. I know it sounds stupid but I'm not crazy like Heidi and Spencer (I've been made to watch The Hills, if you don't know who I'm talking about you're lucky). It's part of my belief system that everything holds energy from plants to words, that includes rocks. For depression I've found that wearing a piece of Bloodstone helps to remove negative and promote positive thinking. It sounds strange but it has worked for the last 3 months. 

This is the longest period of time in my life without having a breakdown when before it happened every week or two. 

No word yet on the promotion front. The uper management is keeping rather tight-lied about everything. It's been 6 months since I was told I was being trained for a management position and no word since. I'm getting rather disappointed with my workplace.
In good news I've been reading a crap ton! I've caught up on alot of comics:
Fables #12 The Dark Ages
#13 The Great Fables Crossover
The Invisibles #1 Say You Want A Revolution Apparently this series was written to be a hyper sigil for good. Everytime I picked up the book it gave me a physical headache. It's not bad, but it worries me that if I read the rest my brain might not take it.
Elephantmen #1 Wounded Animals
Elephantmen #2 Fatal Diseases
House of Mystery #1 Room and Boredom
House of Mystery #2 Love Stories for Dead People
House of Mystery #3 The Space Between
Lucifer #2 Children and Monsters
Lucifer #3 A Dalliance with the Damned
Lucifer #4 The Divine Comedy
And also a significant amount of books:
The Last Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko
The Postman by David Brin
Nefertiti by Michelle Moran
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan
Neuromancer by William Gibson
The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon
Nammah's Kiss by Jacqueline Carey
Necroscope II: Wamphyri! by Brian Lumley
The Witchery by James Reese
The Court of the Air by Stephen Hunt
Stormship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls by Robert A. Heinlein
Otherland vol. 4: The Sea of Silver Light by Tad Williams
Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
Currently I am reading The Heretic Queen by Michelle Moran.
I do believe that is all. And That's all since February I think. My boyfriend (George), says that I'm one of the Sphinx from Mirrormask who eat books. LOL
Everytime I've told him I've finished a book he says that I'm hungry. I think it's cute.
I also got a new tattoo. It's an image of Saxon from Mouseguard. I'll post a picture soon. Or maybe I'll just wait for you all to see it at the Gala!

I can't believe Gala is next weekend. I'm so freakin' excited!!! I've got a tonne of clothes and I still haven't decided what I want to wear. They're all amazing so whatever I choose I'll look fabulous!

And something some of you may know (if you're on facebook), but most don't is that I joined up with Jenny Craig because nothing else I do seems to work. And so far I've lost 15 lbs! YAY ME!!! I'm going to look so great at the Gala!

So to sum up, I read ALOT. And I procrastinate, ALOT. But I'm more happy and slimmer than I was before.

So what are the books/comics that you've read reccently? Comments on my choices are welcome. I love talking about books

Until next time my loves

So A lot has happened since my last post. Work has been going well. I put a charm on my boss so that he'd be nice to me. Apparently his version of being nice means saying no more than hello once a week. That works for me

No word yet on the promotion front. The uper management is keeping rather tight-lied about everything. It's been 6 months since I was told I was being trained for a management position and no word since. I'm getting rather disappointed with my workplace.
In good news I've been reading a crap ton! I've caught up on alot of comics:
Fables #12 The Dark Ages
#13 The Great Fables Crossover
The Invisibles #1 Say You Want A Revolution Apparently this series was written to be a hyper sigil for good. Everytime I picked up the book it gave me a physical headache. It's not bad, but it worries me that if I read the rest my brain might not take it.
Elephantmen #1 Wounded Animals
Elephantmen #2 Fatal Diseases
House of Mystery #1 Room and Boredom
House of Mystery #2 Love Stories for Dead People
House of Mystery #3 The Space Between
Lucifer #2 Children and Monsters
Lucifer #3 A Dalliance with the Damned
Lucifer #4 The Divine Comedy
And also a significant amount of books:
The Last Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko
The Postman by David Brin
Nefertiti by Michelle Moran
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan
Neuromancer by William Gibson
The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon
Nammah's Kiss by Jacqueline Carey
Necroscope II: Wamphyri! by Brian Lumley
The Witchery by James Reese
The Court of the Air by Stephen Hunt
Stormship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls by Robert A. Heinlein
Otherland vol. 4: The Sea of Silver Light by Tad Williams
Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
Currently I am reading The Heretic Queen by Michelle Moran.
I do believe that is all. And That's all since February I think. My boyfriend (George), says that I'm one of the Sphinx from Mirrormask who eat books. LOL

I also got a new tattoo. It's an image of Saxon from Mouseguard. I'll post a picture soon. Or maybe I'll just wait for you all to see it at the Gala!

I can't believe Gala is next weekend. I'm so freakin' excited!!! I've got a tonne of clothes and I still haven't decided what I want to wear. They're all amazing so whatever I choose I'll look fabulous!

And something some of you may know (if you're on facebook), but most don't is that I joined up with Jenny Craig because nothing else I do seems to work. And so far I've lost 15 lbs! YAY ME!!! I'm going to look so great at the Gala!

So to sum up, I read ALOT. And I procrastinate, ALOT. But I'm more happy and slimmer than I was before.

So what are the books/comics that you've read reccently? Comments on my choices are welcome. I love talking about books

Until next time my loves

thankyou love...
lived seeing you at the gala. Hope the ride after brunch wasn't too insane for you! E has very entertaining road rage!
Call me!!!
Much love xox