But I'll allow you one kindness, it won't be super picture-centric. All pictures will be linked to and not put up on this blog. I'm to lazy to put ALL of the pictures here. And believe me, there are quite a few.
So, let's start off with PRIDE. I went to the PRIDE parade with Flit, Dusti, LexiH, 2low, and the lovely Miss Coral who use to be on this site and I had missed her dearly! Everyone was fantastic and even though it had been raining the parade was a hit!!
After the parade we all headed to this pub and met up with a few more people, many I didn't know, but I tried my best not to be too shy. The lovely Lisseth was there too.
After the eats, we walked around for sometime, stopped in at a pub for a beer, then went to a drag show. Some of the performers were just amazing, including Flit's brother Tyler Upstight. Needless to say I had a gret time.
Then came the zoo!!
I was a ittle less shy on this outing, but still didn't work up the nerve to talk to the beautiful Renna until lunch. I'm such a dork! Nonetheless I had a phenomenal time. I kept getting distracted by the animals and 2low and Flit kept backtracking to make sure I didn't get lost. LOL!!!
And the there was the GALA.....
and here's a special picture for Friskey who convinced me to take it.
Then I went to the Post-Gala Brunch. Showed up half an hour before everyone left because I was totally hung over, but hung out with some awesome guys nonetheless - Ian_G, DCruz, and Kyuketsuki. We sat there for a couple hours and chatted it up. I ate a huge bowl of ice cream and no one told be I had spilled chocolate sauce on my shirt. Thanks guys!! LOL!
So live has been pretty good this past month. Since my last post I've read Voyager and Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon, Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet) by Anne-Marie MacDonald, The Ecstasy of Rita Joe by George Ryga, and I am now reading Kushiel's Mercy by Jacqueline Carrey (one of my favourite series of all time!).
What have you been reading?
August is going to prove to be a busy and exciting month. I'm going to go see The Yeah Yeah Yeahs on the 5th, and attending FanExpo the 28th-30th. Also, my final exam ever is going to be on the 11th and then I apply to graduate. I'm nearly done my bachelor!!!! FINALLY!!!! SO yes, busy and exciting!!
I may also not be on here that much, though I do try. I am currently at the laundromat watching my clothes spin around the dryer while I write this update
Please call me soon, I wanna hang out some more