I hope everyone enjoyed the Halloween Haunt last night! I unfortunately couldn't go becuase of work. Sigh...this job is killing me in a most slow and exruciating way. 

Thanksgiving orders were crazy and I had to organize them all. Went off without a hitch really but a very stressful day.
_LouLou_ lent me a couple books and I'm now reading Blindness by Jose Saramago. It's a very intersting book, not only by the content but how it's written. The only forms of punctuation are comma's and periods, that's it. It's written as if you couldn't differentiate between speach and content on a page. It's quite interesting to be sure. And no character names either. Quite refreshing and new.

Just watched "At the table with... Jaques Pepin" . He's a very funny man.

In the credits he was asked what he would like his last meal would be and he answered, "I would like my last meal to be very long, maybe a couple years." LOL!!!
So what's new with all of you??

_LouLou_ lent me a couple books and I'm now reading Blindness by Jose Saramago. It's a very intersting book, not only by the content but how it's written. The only forms of punctuation are comma's and periods, that's it. It's written as if you couldn't differentiate between speach and content on a page. It's quite interesting to be sure. And no character names either. Quite refreshing and new.

Just watched "At the table with... Jaques Pepin" . He's a very funny man.

So what's new with all of you??
I didn't make it to the Halloween Haunt either, I was really disappointed I didn't go it sounded like fun. I need a new book, I need to spend sometime walking around chapters looking for one. I don't really want to vote for the Liberals but I really don't want another conservative government. I have voted NDP for the last few years and probably will again but I am considering the Liberals.
I have soo much homework this weekend and I have been trying to fit it in around all my social obligations of Turkey day!